Saturday, October 13, 2012

When the world says, "Give up," hope whispers, "Try it one more time."  This was a quote that I ran across earlier today by an unknown author.  I was instantly connected to this message as I know that I have listened for those whispers over the years.  Having that ability to listen intently to your conscience echoing what hope is trying to tell you, is something that has taken some practice for me.  To me this capability comes from the similar results of exercising your muscles.  With time and consistency, one is able to build their strength, while becoming fully aware of the whispers that are made to us.  Not giving up, is a lot easier said than done, especially when life has brought more than your share of challenges.  It has also been said that giving up, is the easier thing to do.  Therefore, remember that when you do not give up and you are resolved to keep hope alive, you may find that there will be further struggles before you find the answer that you were seeking.  Also be prepared for the answer to be somewhat different than what you expected.  Many times people have asked for something and they may not be fully prepared to receive it.  That is when the universe steps in to provide something for you that may not be exactly what you wanted, however, it will provide the best solution for you in the long run.  Having patience while all of this goes on is another topic that I will revisit sometime in the future.  Just remember that you are capable of achieving what you set out to do.  In the moments when there is any self doubt, listen for hope to whisper to you before you go to sleep or as you awaken, advising you of the triumph that you are imminently upon.

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