The opportunity to change or re-invent your life is a daily decision. Choose wisely.
Monday, December 31, 2012
A new start, a fresh beginning or the first step towards walking in a new direction. This is what tonight may symbolize to a number of people around the world. I love the energy that a New Year's Eve comes with. It is a night filled with all of the past year's missteps or tumultuous moments wrapped into a neat package that people can put to rest, as those items belonged to the past year and the opportunity to not take them forward with you becomes a favored option. There were also many things that were accomplished and everyone can take comfort that achievement was also made. For some people, they want to experience this night with those that are closest to them and perhaps it may even inspire a marriage proposal or two. A year ago, many of us speculated over what the year 2012 would be like. There was a lot of optimism as we entered into the beginning of this year and tonight we can also take a look back at the things that we might have wanted to achieve, however, we may have fallen short on our attempts. One of the best things that today brings is also the re-commitment to tackling other things that may now be added to our new list. For a lot of folks, today is to be celebrated with close family and friends as we hug each other close and embrace the gratitude that comes with having loving as well as supportive people around us. There are those circles of family or friends that may be missing a particular individual and today can also be an opportunity to seek that person out in the ensuing year, as we can seek the opportunity to let bygones be bygones. I remember my younger years and how this evening was about the party that we wanted to be at and what clothes we wanted to wear to impress others. It is funny when I think that after all of these years, I am sitting in my sweats and comfortable t-shirt perfectly happy in taking in this evening with my close circle of friends who do not care about what I am wearing, they simply care about me. This feeling is among the best experiences one could have in life and I wish it to everyone not just tonight, but through out the rest of the year. So as the clock gets closer to striking midnight and you look to greet 2013 with open arms, I wish that everyone can truly appreciate the moment and the people that surround them. From one year to the next, we may lose some of our most beloved people around us and it becomes even more important to tell everyone that means something to you, how they enrich and add value to our lives. May the New Year 2013 provide you with the opportunity that you were waiting for in starting anew or inspire you to take those steps towards reaching the pinnacle of your life's journey. With my personal heart felt wishes for a prosperous year filled with love, happiness and good health, cheers to all of you!
Saturday, December 29, 2012
The courage of one's convictions has a definition that states; to act in accordance with one's beliefs, especially in-spite of criticism. I love the strength of this statement and its even deeper meaning. It can be easier to do the right things and act accordingly when people are looking at us. However, it is when one is by themselves that this ability can become vulnerable, as it means that our own integrity and character are the defining platform for how we proceed. There are also people that are very good at being the antagonists who enjoy and relish the role of criticizing. When people have done good things and if there was an audience around them, the possibility that a person in that arena scrutinizing their act can become a possibility. Through out history, there have been many examples of great people that did great things, yet faced severe criticism that could have derailed their achievements. Those individuals, however, were strong in their convictions and were resolved in what they attempted to achieve. We could all learn a thing or two from those great examples of the past. Doing the right thing when nobody is looking and being thankful when times are tough, is probably the harshest test one can face. One is capable of accomplishing and passing through these tests, however, it can be a tough experience. What I do know about tough experiences is that they make us so much stronger, yet, we tend to not realize this until much later. To act in accordance of one's own beliefs, also has another famous saying that refers to those individuals that march to the beat of their own drum. I enjoy that type of individuality because it becomes a living example of how everyone is unique in their own way. Talents and gifts vary as much as the variety of people that occupy them. Therefore, don't forget to live for the sake of individuality and never listen to anyone who is a naysayer or that can be critical of you because you choose to do things differently. The world is stronger because of our differences and the quicker people realize how valuable this is, we may be able to reach our destination of living harmoniously at a faster pace.
Friday, December 28, 2012
The term forgive and forget has been around for as long as anyone can remember. It is one of those phrases that is easier said than done. However, the healing that comes to a person as a result of not carrying around a burdenful memory that can add unnecessary weight to the shoulders of everyone that struggles with their day-to-day issues, can be life changing. As we inch closer to the beginning of a New Year, I believe it is necessary to take an inventory at precisely this time, to ensure that there is no unforgiveness in anyone's heart. Before we embark on the ensuing year, I challenge you to look at what has occurred over the past twelve months and see if there is anything that you were holding resentment about. If you had any of these negative emotions, then look at this as your opportunity to finally set that obtrusive weight that you have been struggling with free and find it in your heart to let go. When people lose a loved one without warning, it can be quite damaging to the person that may have not have made peace with that individual before they left. The amount of instances when people lost someone and wished later that they could have one final opportunity to say they were sorry, is unfortunately quite large. Before another year goes by and you let something that has been bothering you for some time enter into 2013 with you, be determined and resolved to finally let that stay in this year of 2012. One never knows the true methodology for why someone acted out of character or hurtful in the past. The reasons are many, however, there is never going to be an answer that will be completely satisfactory to the recipient of that negativity. Therefore, don't let another day or in this case, another year go by before you decide to make peace, if nothing else do it for yourself. The act of forgiving is much more important for the person who decides to let things go, than for the one that caused the pain. Decide that you will enter into the New Year with a little less weight around your shoulders and give yourself some long needed inner peace as your wish for 2013.
Thursday, December 27, 2012
The days after Christmas are filled with everyone picking up the pieces from the frazzled days prior to, that sent people into the stores with hoards of others, in hopes of selecting just the right gift for a loved one. To me the holiday always seems to go by so much faster than the days the preceded it and the clean up around your home can also seem like a monumental task. I always seem to ask myself the question, didn't I clean this house from top to bottom prior to everyone coming by and why am I now cleaning everything again? Ah, these are great dilemmas that come with any holiday, but this one in particular because it is the greatest one and to me the key to all of the expected hope in the future along with the impending New Year. The first thing that comes to mind is the feeling of gratitude and that I was able to reach another milestone holiday along with good health shared with family and friends that were the icing on the cake. I thought about the many people and children that may have spent their holiday in a hospital room, waiting to hear about their prognosis, with the fate of their health attached to a chart and a doctor that they were waiting for. It is even more important as a result, for us to be able to hold onto the feeling of this special holiday for as long as possible as there is an insatiable need for the world to feel better along with the rest of us. Between now and next week when we begin to think about those annual resolutions that we want to take on one more time, we have the opportunity to continue to reflect. I hope that most of us don't lose the feeling of the natural high associated with great feelings of harmony, being content and inspired with the new coming year. We should be determined to meet the New Year next week with all of the power that we have that can attract that positive energy that will enable us to achieve far beyond what we ever imagined. Similar to the thought of child that dreams about what they want to be when they grow up, we should also embrace that sense of optimism that can change part of our world, along with ourselves. My hope is that we continue to aspire to the new imminent changes that can break us free from those things that held us back and allow our minds to accept that a year with a new beginning can be exactly what the doctor ordered. Since we can leave the list of gifts behind, lets focus on the personal inventory list that we are creating, so that when 2013 arrives, we peel off another layer that we no longer need and allow ourselves to move forward on our life's journey to become the person we are destined to be.
Monday, December 24, 2012
Tonight is one of the most anticipated evenings through out the year. People have traveled great distances to be home once again with the circle that they call their family and friends. Others have to make their own special holiday memories with those that are now part of their new circle of support around them. My heart always goes out to the many service men and women who find themselves a great distance away from their immediate families. Those individuals who have sacrificed much, are perhaps spending the night in a foreign country as resolved and brave on a mission to protect and serve their home country that all of us call the United States of America. It is an always difficult task for a child who is separated from their parent during the holiday as well. For the many that look upon this day as a sacred day where they remember those family members that are no longer with them, I wish them much hope and happy memories of a time when their beloveds were among them. To me the very nature of Christmas and the eve in which we find ourselves in, also lets me know that hope is very much alive and I look forward to the new memories, where perhaps a child was not part of the family before and is now celebrating a first holiday among them. This holiday in particular is so much about family and seeing the joy in the children that have awaited for so long to be surprised and filled with that wonder that only a child can have. I also know that there are many individuals who are not in the best of health and today is another day that they may have struggled to get through, in order to be able to sleep peacefully at night with their own hope that tomorrow will bring them renewed energy along with better health. I will remember all of these people and the one's that are missing from our tables at our place of worship, when we celebrate the most exciting night of the year. It may be another day for some people, however, I am a firm believer that the best is yet to come for many of us. I can reflect on another year that was filled with many prosperous instances that made me smile and wonder at what a great world I live in, no matter how much damage was inflicted upon people during certain times of the year. Tonight I wish all of my friends and family my personal best and that all of the great wishes that come with this special evening come true. May everyone be filled with the joy, happiness, health and hope as we embrace this magical holiday that is called Christmas around the world.
Saturday, December 22, 2012
This year I was a little behind in writing my Christmas cards, however, I managed to get them out in the nick of time. I was putting the finishing touches on the envelopes with these festive seals that I had bought and I noticed the last one had the words; "Merry & Bright". I then looked up both words in the dictionary as I contemplated their true definition. Merry was defined as; full of cheerfulness or festively joyous. Bright was; radiating or reflecting light; luminous; shining. When you put these two words together, the definitions of both are so powerful that it made me continue to think about their meaning, especially as we head closer to a joyous Christmas holiday. I love the thought that cheerfulness along with luminous can be part of the same conversation. Ideally during this time of year and especially after the many tragic things that have occurred within our country and across the world over the past year, we can certainly use a large dose of those elements. For those that have recently lost someone, it may be the toughest holiday yet, however, the days ahead are filled with hope and are lined with that brightness that will finally be able to illuminate the dark period that those people find themselves in. We can certainly do our part in bringing a festive holiday to those that are less fortunate. The amount of people in need in all of our communities can be insatiable. Some of the most needy and deserving people, are the one's that are quiet and say nothing about their circumstances. We have to keep an open eye along with an open heart, to be able to identify when one of those individuals may be in our path and we can somehow make their day. The world is in such need of bright lights and a joyful carol, that can sing about the hope and wonder that we can expect with this holiday season. So remember that if you have a neighbor that goes above and beyond in decorating their home to make things merry and bright for the whole neighborhood from a distance, be thankful that you have such a great reminder in such close proximity.
Thursday, December 20, 2012
As the wind howled over the cold winters night last evening and into this morning, I kept thinking about what the landscape outside would look like when I got up. What I know about wind is that although it can be a weather wild card, this powerful element usually sweeps up the ground and clears out the brush that may have existed prior to its arrival. I find the connection to be quite similar to our own lives, when we are filled with many emotions or contemplating dilemmas that can be life changing. It is then that one should stand still, hear yourself breathe and listen to your heart after the rushing currents of wind circle you with a cool current of unknown. Normally it is our ability to withstand storms, that allows us to see what can be a brighter morning the next day. If you find yourself in such a place these days, remember the elements like the inclement weather that can occur outside your window. If you are resolved to follow what you hold near to you and stick to your convictions, then you will find yourself having withstood a storm that you can later recall may have been the catalyst that moved you forward in your life even further. Part of our life's journey is to continue to grow and peel away more of the unneeded layers of our life that are no longer useful. It can be difficult sometimes to let go of the familiar because it is what you know and where we have the greater difficulty is in proceeding through territory that makes you feel uncomfortable due to its unknown origin. I believe that sometimes our own heart and mind prepares us to take a leap of faith and what happens afterwards can be part of a great period of growth and evolution for us as a result. Today, think of the many things that you would like the wind to finally sweep away from you and as you stand in the swirl of those currents, thing about about the new person you are becoming. It won't be too long before you realize that the wind storm has passed, while the landscape around you looks bright, crisp and clear. The newer better version of you has been forming for some time and this can be the opportunity you were looking for to finally leave the old parts of you that you did not intend to take into another New Year.
Monday, December 17, 2012
As I was driving home today, I could feel the cold blustery weather and imminent rain headed our way. The clouds all around were various colors of dark grey and purple and you could definitely feel the chill in the air as the smallest portion of a sun setting was far in the distant West. As I turned the corner amidst all of this interesting landscape, I saw an opening through the clouds where the sun made one last attempt to show itself among all of the surrounded darkness. It quickly reminded me of all of the tragedy that took place last Friday and as a nation we are all grieving along with the many families that this unfortunate incident has touched. Everyone has to had to pick up the pieces as best they can and some people have chosen to continue to walk forward although their steps are weary and weakened. There was a poignant piece in the news story as I arrived home about the gatherings that have taken place in this small town in Connecticut. They had a gathering of multiple faiths that brought forth the leaders of all of the local denominations of faith that created the impetus for all of these religious leaders to embrace each other along with the families that they help pastor in this region. It made me think about the many countries around the world that are in the middle of these strife ridden conflicts that seem to be losing ground in this area of religious acceptance. There has been enough tragedies in all of these countries over the years that has cost the lives of many people and you would have thought that by now they should have learned a lesson or two about leaving some of these differences aside to embrace a more peaceful existence. It will take some time for all of this to begin to make sense to any of us, however, I do look for those opportunities that would help paint a better picture of how we need to live with more peace and harmony and hope that it can be enough of a safety net when unexpected tragedies occur. As we continue to embrace each other in providing comfort to the hurting hearts here and across the country, I hope that we remember that all of those people that left us last Friday made such wonderful contributions even though their time was cut tremendously short. We should continue to remember that good and kind individuals walked among us and added value to all of us, including their families and friends.
Saturday, December 15, 2012
As I stood outside in the chilly morning air of this December day, I began going through my plants and flowers that are outside and picking up the fallen leaves that were swept in by last night's rainstorm. With every leaf that I picked up and put into a pile as I began the clean up process, my thoughts were with the many families that were affected by yesterday's terrible tragedy across the country in Connecticut. When I learned about the story yesterday while I was at work, I had a staff person who came into my office and had a dazed look in her face as she explained to me what had just occurred. The images were being transmitted via the television news and through the internet and although I am thankful for technology that allows the speed of information to travel like a beam of light at times, this was one story that I could have done with a standard delay. The senseless ending of innocent adults and children's lives is something that one has no words to describe. This small community that could very well be in our own back yard, is having to pick up the pieces of the hurricane like storm that they found themselves in yesterday. I know that the founding fathers of our great country established rights for all Americans with the knowledge they had at that time. Among them was the right to bear arms and it has been attacked through out history, however, those rights as part of the Second Amendment still remain as part of this country's legacy. It is after an act such as the one yesterday that makes me think that perhaps it is time to revisit what the limitations of those intended rights should be. I don't believe for one moment that our founding fathers would have ever imagined that there would be weapons made in the future that were intended to inflict a high caliber of destruction on any human beings. Sadly, this is but another story that has transpired that has had ongoing instances of this deplorable behavior. Michael Moore the great documentary film maker and activist stated a very impacting statistic yesterday, when he posted the fact that sixty one mass shootings have occurred since the mass tragedy that transpired in Columbine, Colorado in 1999. That number is frightening and it should serve as notice to all of us including the politicians that we elect to congress that it is time that we make some changes to what were well intended and established rights from long ago. I will continue to pray for all of the affected families and the fragile community that woke up today not knowing how to figure out a way to step forward. I have to maintain my hope in us and the rest of man kind that we are better than this and we can help each other heal no matter what the circumstance or storm that comes our way.
Friday, December 14, 2012
Periodically we get to a point where we achieve a milestone in our lives and it provides an opportunity for us to celebrate an accomplishment. Whether it was the birth of a new baby in the family, reaching a weight loss goal or successfully obtaining a new job, these are all examples of when we realize that there is plenty of reason for happiness in our lives. It is easy to forget when we have a multitude of things happening in our lives that there are plenty of things to be grateful for or to commemorate such achievements. When given the opportunity to celebrate, another thing that happens to a lot of people is that the moment goes by very quickly and they forget to be in the moment when it was occurring. The holiday season allows us a period to embrace all of the happiness and hope that can come with the yuletide season. I like to write Christmas cards and take the time to say hello to many friends and acquaintances that have had an impact in my life over the years. I may not be in touch as much as I would like to be throughout the year, however, I do think about all of these individuals and in particular during this period and reminisce about the fond memories of the past. A person can leave an imprint in our lives, very much like a footstep that one leaves on a sandy beach in the ocean. When you first make the imprint it is visible with plenty of details that capture the exact image of your foot. Then as time begins to go by, either the water or someone else may walk by and the imprint begins to fade slowly. Our ability to interact with people over the years has a similar quality in that the freshness of the relationship exists more profoundly at the beginning and as time or years go by, our imprint of those people also fades. The huge difference is that people are unlike sand and how they touched us or made an impact in our lives can live on until the day we are no longer here. Those memories can live on even stronger, as we lose those impactful people. Therefore, as you continue with the holiday season and buzz around town picking up gifts for your loved ones or perhaps write a few cards, don't forget to acknowledge the greatness and the imprints of all of those that have contributed to your life.
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
There are times when we walk through various scenarios in our minds about a particular issue, with a variety of ways that we need or intend to solve it. As an example, some people often plot how they will be attempting to find their next job or how they will attempt to mitigate a financial situation. In both instances it requires a substantial amount of time in considering the options along with preparation for how to address each concern. Changing careers is never easy, as it means releasing the security of what you know in order to accept something that although may sound quite promising, it is still an unknown. It is the unknown factor that always has a way of getting to most of us, when we are faced with a variety of life decisions. When making a large purchase such as a car or a house, neither of which can be done based upon a whim or without some extensive fact finding, it can cause additional apprehension about such a long term commitment. We are often presented with dilemmas about a decision and its consequences which can also be unknown, which adds to the uneasiness about what one will be doing. The common thread in many if not all of these situations has to do with having faith in oneself and in the decisions that one makes. This is where the term taking a leap of faith, fits in so appropriately. There have been several people that I know who have retired from work within the last few years. Among their biggest dilemmas was the fact that they did not know how they would live with a more constrained income, as opposed to continue to work and earn the paycheck that they had gotten used to. In these situations with these people, they always relayed to me that the hardest part for them came in making up their mind that they wanted to retire. After they made that decision, they felt a release and better peace of mind over their life changing situation. Many of us are often faced with other issues that require us to take a leap of faith and trust in our heart along with intuition, that everything will work out as it was intended. Today I ask you to remember that the power to accept change comes with that release or letting go of what you know and be resolved to accept what comes as a result of your decision. I firmly believe that all of these things that come into our lives are here to teach us something about ourselves and as the release occurs, our personal growth comes with it. Decide to take a calculated risk and watch your adrenaline level increase sharply, as your life takes a turn for the destination you were intended to find.
Monday, December 10, 2012
Inspiration can come from many things around us. Looking at a beautiful picture, standing next to the magnificence of the ocean or perhaps hearing about a story that reinforces our trust in other human beings are just but a few examples. We use things to inspire us, in order to recharge or reignite our own motivation to accomplish something. Such as the beginning of the New Year, provides an opportunity for us to begin the year with a new perspective. Some people decide that this period can be the opportunity to be resolved and lose weight, save money, pay debts or look for a new job. I enjoy the energy that comes with this period, because I feel that it can be contagious. We can all use someone's vibrant energy to help revitalize our own. Professional sports teams provide another opportunity for us to see this synergy at work. All of the players are usually fired up before a game and there is a keen sense of focus among all of them to accomplish the mission at hand. Rather than waiting for the New Year to arrive before you pledge to do things differently, I challenge you to begin today. To transform oneself, it takes a small step everyday in order to achieve the desired goal. Think of this period as that time, where you will begin taking your baby steps towards your desired destination. When the actual New Year arrives, my hope is that everyone will be well on their journey and making a habit of the new life changes that they want to make. They say that it takes twenty one days to break a habit, so this can be your opportunity to arrive at the year two thousand and thirteen with one less item that you want to carry forward. Select your inspiration today and use it to brace yourself as you make your way on your new path. Don't let time go by or procrastinate about what you will do tomorrow, when you have today as your launching pad to becoming the person with the attributes you wish to possess.
Saturday, December 8, 2012
One of the options many people have for the holidays rather than spending money on gifts, is to make things or donate of their time and talent in honor of the season. The gift of service to others, can yield so many returns for people that it should be one of the first options that one may want to consider. Begin with the fact that there is a need no matter where you live, where there are individuals or families that do not have enough to eat, cannot afford the place that they call home or perhaps have lost their home and have been in transition for some time. I remember several years ago, there was a story in the newspaper about an elderly homeless woman. She had a part time job as a cashier, however, the circumstances in her life left her without the ability to pay for an apartment or room on a full time basis. So, she lived in her car along with her beloved dog and spent the nights driving by nice neighborhoods, where she would find a corner to park and get some sleep in. She had said that she felt safer sleeping in a nicer neighborhood. Every morning she would get up and go to a gas station in a nice neighborhood and wash up and get ready for work. Three times a month she saved enough money to spend on a hotel room and those were the days that she treasured feeling safe and at home with along with her beloved pet. The lady was also a talented artist and sold paintings at craft fairs to make ends meet. I have never forgotten that story and how someone found out about her and convinced her to share her plight without feeling ashamed about the circumstances that she found herself in. A follow up story many weeks later showcased the same lady, who was given a leg up in life, when someone offered their home and asked her to move in along with her dog. The person that offered their home was demonstrating what service to others truly meant. There are a multitude of examples of how we can take advantage of this opportunity. All we have to do, is look and listen to where are heart may be pointing us to. Make this holiday season something to remember and give to those that need your help and you will feel as though you received all of the gifts you have been asking for over many years.
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
As the holiday season goes into full swing, I see commercials that advertise things that picture people wanting and embracing a particular product. Some of the items that take center stage relate to a make over of sorts for your home or for yourself. Picturing oneself wearing prized jewelry, a fashionable piece of clothing or buying a long yearned for appliance that would equate to happiness, is what we receive via these messages. I am always amazed at the lengths that some of these companies will go in trying to get someone to invest their hard earned money for their particular product. If only such a purchase could really have the residual effect of happiness, then the whole world would be buying this left and right. Joy and happiness during the holiday season, is usually part of a conversation that involves someone giving as opposed to receiving. I also noticed a statement from a well known spiritual author Dr. Wayne Dyer, who stated that, "We do not attract what we want; we attract what we are." This declaration also poses some additional areas of reflection, in seeking not only our life's purpose, but also what it is that could make us happy and content. Many people spend a good majority of their lives seeking that illusive thing, that they feel could bring them either a breakthrough or the next level of satisfaction in their lives. It has been proven time and again, that the actual searching is what can bring the most happiness and the journey is where most of our answers lie to the many of our life questions. Therefore, as you absorb all of the media that is coming at you, whether it is in print, on television or on the internet, remember that what is attempted to be sold to you can possibly bring you joy, albeit temporary. The full satisfaction associated with your life's fulfillment, harmony and happiness comes from a place that does not cost a penny. Only you can bring true joyful illumination and inner peace into your life. It does not have a price tag and you cannot order it by mail or download via your computer. Take the commercial ads with a grain of salt and pledge to give more of yourself and to others as you reap the rewards of the true meaning of this wonderful season.
Saturday, December 1, 2012
The moment after a storm has passed, there is a period of quiet that lends itself to a meditative and contemplative state. I always think of the movies in which these larger than life events can occur in places like the South Pacific or an a deserted island, where the palm trees bend almost in half in a severe gale force wind. It is usually dark and visibility always seems very limited and one can only hope that the storm passes soon, so that that the apprehension involved with the damage that the storm can cause is finally over. To me this is very similar to our own lives, when we may be in the middle of such a volatile time that we are the one's that could play the lead character in our own film, about the great storm that surrounds us. They always advise people to keep calm and remain steady during such periods. I know that it sounds a lot easier said than done, as we like to be in control of our own situations. However, I have found over the years that it takes a lot out of you, if you are constantly trying to find the solution to a particular problem, that sometimes you have very little control over. This is when you have to trust that the storm has come for a reason and that you have to learn as much as possible, in order for you to burst through and arrive at the other side. I always look for the rainbows that can occur as a storm is diminishing, as it reminds me that there can be beauty and wonder after something that could be so potentially dangerous. If you find yourself in such a place, know that others have been there before and plenty of success stories exist of those that have weathered such a state. Envision the rainbow or the burst of sun that happens after the storm passes and see yourself absorbed in that light that can lift your mind, body and spirit. Remember that storms don't last forever and neither will the place that you may happen to find yourself in. Be patient, stay focused and soon enough you will find yourself contemplating the beauty that surrounds you as you forget the dark place that you just came from.
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