Thursday, February 7, 2013

At the conclusion of a poem by Bonnie L. Mohr, there is a line that reads; "Recognize the people you have been blessed to know".   The poem, "Tree Of Life" and this particular line I enjoy re-reading every time I see this work.  We have all been around some pretty spectacular people through out our lives and if you live long enough you can take a inventory of who some of those special people are or were, along with how they touched your life.  Sadly, we tend to run out of time sooner than we think when it comes to the actual act of recognizing some of these individuals.  Hearing the words from someone who says "I love you", "You make me proud" or "You touched my life", is affirming when you realize that there is someone that has such deep affection for you that it fills your heart.  Today I had a meeting with a person that I am mentoring and when we got the chance to sit down and talk, he mentioned to me that he had told some people that he was coming to meet me.  The people that he spoke to were old acquaintances and co-workers that have been part of my life through out my career.  The reactions and comments from some of these individuals that he had informed, made me smile fondly at the early stages of my career.  It was a moment that provided me with some recognition of the fact that I had some sort of impact in the lives of these people, who felt that I had added value to them and the organization.  This allowed me momentarily to reflect on the fact that I have been blessed to know so many of these great people that have been part of my life.  Some of them I worked with closely at the very onset of my career and others were peers from afar.  My recollection of them was that they were warm and friendly individuals who worked hard to provide excellent products and services with a cheerful smile.  As children, we may feel that our parents are going to be around forever and will always be there to offer their children positive reinforcement.  Parents may also tell their children that they mean the world to them along with the words "I love you", which become more meaningful as time goes by.  We have friends that we have grown up with and others who have been with us through good times and bad ones.  We have to be mindful that we are truly blessed by those special people that are part of our inner circle.  Finally, we should not miss an opportunity to recognize someone that has honored us with their support, recognition and affection.  A simple note, a phone call or looking at that special someone in the eye the next time you see them to let them know how you really feel can be a refreshing occasion. Not only will you make their day, it will also give you some peace of mind to know that you were able to convey this to someone without regard or apprehension that your time to do so may have run out.    

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