The opportunity to change or re-invent your life is a daily decision. Choose wisely.
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
As I watch the Olympic games unfold, I am drawn to the many stories of all of these great athletes from all over the world. Some of them are athletes that the world already knows, while a good majority are stepping out of a shadow and onto a stage that is unfamiliar territory. My favorite stories are the one's that depict battling all odds, just to get to compete for their country. The definition of victory is very different for the entire spectrum. Competing and representing your country as its top athletic hope carries so much weight for a lot of these young men and women. Many relish the opportunity to be able to be responsible for the hopes and dreams of an entire nation. Although the world will focus on publicizing the pictures of those that won, let us not forget to give much credit for the multitude that will not make it to the front page of a news story. Each of those athletes whose family and friends have stood by over the years proudly in support of their personal triumph deserve their moment in the sun. To those that made it to this level and were able to walk in the opening ceremonies or the not too distant closing ones, I salute all of you for everything that you have endured. More importantly I am proud that these athletes gave the world a lesson through sports, that we can tear overcome any barrier and for two entire weeks showed the world what equality looks like.
Monday, July 30, 2012
Have you ever noticed that when you pay attention to the negative things that are happening in your life, we sometimes give those things more power than they should have over us? I was thinking about this not too long ago and felt like I needed to remind myself and others that we should not give so much power to those things that attempt to take away our personal joy. There is a multitude of things that already do a good enough job of this, so why add more imbalance to this equation. If you hear the news the majority of the stories at the beginning and pretty much through the rest of the newscast is filled with all of the things that are not right with the world. Some even have a pattern of scare tactics, like when they first tell you that drinking coffee is bad for you. Then a couple of weeks later, coffee is good for you. The few good stories that seem to have a heart warming message are buried in the newscast or at the very end. I made a concerted effort a long time ago to listen to or read news stories that I chose and took away the broadcasters or publishers level of importance. When we focus on things that are negative, it is like taking a ride on a downward spiral without a return ticket back. Let us all do a better job of filtering those counteractive things. Remember that by giving power to adversity, it becomes more difficult to give power to the positive things that bring fruitfulness and abundance to us.
Saturday, July 28, 2012
When we were children on the playground, one of the customary things we found ourselves playing was on a swing. In the process, we had to build momentum before we could get to a full swing. I was contemplating this as it relates to life. We need to push ourselves a little at first in our attempt to build enough force to take us higher. The ability to generate power begins with oneself and then we generate the propulsion needed to help us reach our desired state. When thinking about how you will arrive at your next planned step in life, remember to swing. If you feel stuck or not seeing the next step ahead, then do some rocking back and forth until you feel yourself moving forward. Pushing yourself each day a little bit at a time, will enable you to feel the wind in your face and then you will come to the realization that you have created the optimal opportunity for change. Once you get moving, seek to reach higher. Similar to how we did as a children on the swings, the higher we go the bigger the smile.
Friday, July 27, 2012
This morning I was reflecting on the word "preparation". We prepare food, prepare to go to work, prepare to go to college and a multitude of other things. I began to think about our ability to prepare for our own lives. We did not get a manual or a handbook on what was to come our way as adults. Life does its own version of preparation for us whether we realize it or not. Our trials and tribulations become the foundation for how we proceed through other similar times in our lives. When good or great things happen to us, we rejoice in the moments that arrive with those blessings. We bask and meditate on the hard work that may have brought us to a platform of victory. Because we continue to learn new things almost daily, our preparation is ongoing. As adults we become better at sharing our tips of how to get through circumstances with others. Realizing that none of us have the final answers to everything that will come before us, will enable us to keep preparing for great things and don't forget to share your insights with those that need it.
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Today I was reminded about new beginnings. The example I received was when they begin and appear more complicated at the onset. At different times a lot of us have been in situations where we began something new and felt a sense of excitement and that it was going to change our lives. Conversely, we never know what lies at the onset of change that can cause us to pause and question if the change was good. I believe that there is divine purpose for everything, so what one was meant to go through has a larger and more complex meaning later on. That does not mean that we still don't feel apprehension during those periods of time. This is when we have to keep calm and listen to what our heart is telling us, as opposed to what our brain may be mixing up in our head. It is easy to feel discouraged when things don't go our way, however, we must be persistent in staying focused on those things that are most important. Give less attention to the small things and allow yourself to continue to embrace your new beginning. Sometimes looking at it from a different perspective will enable you to make more sense of what is going on. If you are resolved and diligent in your journey, you will succeed in arriving to your desired destination.
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Control; how many of us exercise it well and how many of us don't? I heard a commercial today talking about another topic and they mentioned this word several times. Too much control can become out of sync with who we are and can often lead to turning other people away from us. In addition, not having enough control can lead to poor decision making or a sense of ambivalence. Either one can get us out of balance and lead to circumstances that can overtake us. One of the best ways to address it, to work on it in increments. We should all seek well proportioned amounts of anything. Life can throw a curve ball at us at any given time and just when we thought everything was under control, all of a sudden it is not. By incrementally working towards achieving balance we are better able to sustain the unforeseen periods that could possibly throw us off balance. Think about the word control as your ability to influence what you are capable of doing and try not to over achieve so much of it, that it tips the scales of your well being.
Monday, July 23, 2012
How important is your ego? A lot of us have strong ties to our egos and it may be not outwardly visible, but it sometimes resides on a more subconscious level. One of the definitions is; The part of the mind that mediates between the conscious and the unconscious and is responsible for reality testing and a sense of personal identity. In Eckhart Tolle's book, "A New Earth, Awakening to Your Life's Purpose", this subject is written about in detail. It was one of the best books that I have read that addressed this particular topic. The author challenges us to let go of our egos as they hold us back in many ways. In the book, he speaks to the act of complaining and how it is one of the favorite strategies for the ego to strengthening itself. I think we do this more than we realize. At times, I have to catch myself in realizing that I do not want to strengthen something I am working towards getting rid of. It is not always easy, however, over time you become aware in a more timely manner when you have crossed into that land which you do not want to go back to. Our ego is not part of the support structure of who are, it is a crutch that temporarily enables us to think that we may be superior to others. I challenge you to begin peeling the layers that allow this part of ourselves to give us a false sense of who we are. We need to work towards becoming more authentic while attracting peace into our daily living.
Saturday, July 21, 2012
The world gave us sad news yesterday about a small town that experienced shocking grief. My heart goes out to the families that had to walk through those dark and difficult moments. Although we are all destined to leave this Earth one day, nobody expects to leave in such a manner as those that were taken far too soon in Colorado. I know that we have heard stories all over the world of a person that was so disconnected with humanity that the alternative that they sought was to deliver pain to others, for the pain they may have been feeling themselves. The true meaning of faith is born in those heavy moments afterwards, when one is seeking answers to what appears to be unanswerable questions. In addition to the pain this causes, it also takes away our sense of security as we take inventory of what we consider a safe environment. We sometimes take for granted that we will be here for many years to come. Let us not take each other for granted and remember to acknowledge and say to our loved one's how much they mean to us. We will keep Aurora in our prayers along with the many families across the country that may have suffered a tragic loss of a loved one. Tragedies occur far more often than they should. We can unite in spirit and attempt to bring a celestial balance to a world that seems to lack it at the present time.
Friday, July 20, 2012
When you hear the word authentic, what comes to mind? To me the words genuine and real are the ones that resonate the most. Perhaps you thought of being original and that works too. This word eliminates those things that are not real and I have believed for some time that this is best path to travel in walking through life's journey. What happens to people when they are less than authentic? Well the list can go on for some time. More importantly, I believe that those people are caught in the world of living up to someone else's perceived expectations and not their own. When you live an authentic life, I believe that you are less consumed by those things that matter less. In contrast, your life may be more full as it can be less complicated. I challenge you to choose to be authentic and don't pay attention to your critics around you. If you have negative criticism as a result, then you don't need those people to begin with. As we strive to achieve authentic lives, we can be less focused on superficiality while seeking to shine as a true original.
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Our ability to reign in our thoughts and not let ourselves lose control over what can be accomplished takes practice. We are our own worst enemy at times, when it comes to questioning ourselves and self doubt. Since it has taken many years of practice, be prepared to spend some time to unlearn this behavior. The good thing is that you can get rid of old habits and you can learn new positive one's to replace them. Diligence in seeking to be constant and resolved about this is what enables us to do so. When you have those days that you question your ability to achieve, remember that it takes one small step daily to get yourself to the right destination. As long as you are pointed in the right direction and keep walking forward, you will arrive at your desired goal. Don't allow yourself to question your capability and leave self doubt in your past where it belongs.
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
I was driving through a neighborhood today and as I sat at a stop light, I noticed a park with some baseball diamonds and people playing a game that did not look like baseball. I drove a little closer and parked for a few minutes and realized that it was an adult kickball league. I could not believe what I was watching. I had not seen anyone play kickball since I was in elementary school. The people playing were having such a great time and everyone was rooting for each other as the players rounded the bases and scored runs. I thought to myself how wonderful is this?! As a adults we always seem to miss an opportunity to enjoy a moment that brings us pure joy. We like to plan things and sometimes the best moments in our lives happen without the best laid plans. Today was a perfect example of a group of people that were doing something for pure enjoyment and fun, while it must have contained some planning, the fun part was probably not on an agenda. The icing on the cake for these people was that they were also getting good exercise in the process. I think we need to challenge ourselves to do those things that reinvigorate us and allow ourselves to have these types of moments. We must remember that a joyful heart can increase our longevity and more importantly our quality of life.
Monday, July 16, 2012
I recall when I was in my teenage years that I could fall asleep at a drop of a dime and for hours on end. I was thinking about those years not too long ago when I was getting up at six o'clock in the morning on a Saturday. My first thought was, what happened to the days of sleeping in? So many things have changed, including age, I guess. However, I do see a very big difference in how I approached a day from my youth until now. I see a significance and importance in a day, that I had not seen as a younger person. I am grateful for having good enough health to be able to enjoy the day and feel for those people that are struggling with illness where they may be confined to a bed. Although I have an internal agenda that wants to accomplish so many tasks daily, I allow myself to stop every so often to take things in and enjoy what is around me. Whether it is the morning clouds drifting by gently adding coolness and moisture to the ground around me or walking in a breeze that lifts my energy along with my spirit, I am grateful for all of it. I have also learned to remember to be grateful even if you are going through a challenge and things are particularly difficult. This is when we have to be even more diligent in having gratitude. Your effort and demeanor in a challenging time allows you to walk away from it with grace and appreciation for the better periods.
Friday, July 13, 2012
We can be responsible people and diligent about what needs to get done. In addition one has to have balance in their lives in order to achieve a more harmonious state of mind. When was the last time you had the opportunity to lighten up on what was pressing you and take a break from the stresses of your daily life? Most of us think that we can do this on our day off, yet we find ourselves planning and filling those days with more things because we have that insatiable need to fill up a day. Understandably, you do not want to lose valuable time, however, we need to add value to ourselves first. Take the opportunity to lighten your mental load and not go too deeply into trying to solve all of the problems that may be weighing you down. Sometimes you can only carry so many things before they begin to make you stumble. We need to walk forward and walk lightly, as we seek to achieve proportionate living.
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Today I saw a story about two goats surfing in the ocean. My first reaction was to laugh, because I could not believe the story initially. As I continued to look at the pictures and video of this pair of athletic and charming animals it made me wonder about their state of mind. For this pair, the thought of surfing and being a goat was not a barrier. For us as human beings, when we think of things that are impossible, the mere fact that we question possibility, can prevent us from achieving our dreams. If we were to change our perspective and speak possibility, then ideally our options could be limitless. Some people grew up as children whose own parents may not have believed in them and as a result they struggle through out life with feelings of inadequacy or insecurities. I love a famous quote that I read a long time which states, "What other people think of me is none of my business." If were to care less about what others think of us and focus on making ourselves better regardless, our world could be less complicated. Allow yourself to think that possibilities are waiting for you and let go of any thoughts that may dampen your dreams.
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
When you think about the beach on a hot summer day, one can visualize a cool ocean breeze, the sound of seagulls flying overhead and the waves thundering to a splash as they hit a sandy beach. Your summer days would be ideal if you could do this on a daily basis. If you live far away from the ocean, then perhaps a lake, a pond or a running brook can be substituted as the back drop for peace and serenity. What I have learned to do over the years is to take all of those inspiring and relaxing moments with me as inventory for the days when I need a dose. All of us need to be able to reflect and meditate a few times through out the day. For some it may be the first thing in the morning when the world is waking up outside your window. For others it can be at night when stars begin to light up the evening sky. What ever the time is for you, allow yourself to take those moments and re-dedicate them to your personal well being. Try to recall a beautiful day or moment while you give yourself time to re-energize and think about what good things have happened to you thus far.
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
There is an old expression, "Live one day at a time", that goes back several decades and I was thinking about how it came about today. First it reminded me about how times have changed and we tend to go through our days with lightning speed. We are caught up in work, traffic, parenting and other responsibilities all stuffed vigorously into a day. You may wonder at night when your head hits your pillow, how you got through this day and will you have enough energy in the morning to do this all over again? Interestingly we have all of these electronic devices that monitor and deliver updates of information around the clock. They are supposed to save time and add convenience to our lives, yet, a lot of the times they do not. We are reminded on social networking sites when someone liked something we said or changed their status so that we are constantly updating our own personal data banks. At some point, I would think that we would have some form of information overload, that would manifest itself in us not resting properly or in some other fashion. I believe we have to remind ourselves to filter information as not all of it may be of value. There are only so many hours available to us and time goes by a lot quicker than we realize. Finally, let us not forget to take a cue from the meaningful statement that reminds us to live in the moment and don't take time for granted.
Monday, July 9, 2012
I heard a story today about an elderly woman in her late 80's who was diagnosed with a terminal illness. She had been living in a retirement home for some years and her husband had passed away some time ago. When she received the bad news about her deteriorating health, she spoke to one of her care givers and expressed that the one thing that she missed when she reminisced about her younger years was square dancing with her husband. As she spoke to the care giver, her eyes lit up and sparkled in recalling the many times she and her husband would go square dancing on the weekends. A few days passed and one afternoon she was led in her wheelchair into the recreation room by the care giver. Upon entering, she was greeted by six couples all dressed up in western themed square dancing clothes and they began to play music and danced around her. The woman was so overcome with joy that she managed to get out of her wheelchair and danced with the couples for five minutes before she sat back down tired and out of breath. The care giver stood by her and beamed alongside her at rejoicing in the five minute dance that filled her heart and soul with obvious joy. The story ended there and I was left wondering how much longer this woman lived after that day. What was clear was that a person decided to make the day of somebody that was deserving of another moment of happiness and pure joy. Going the extra mile to make the day of someone doesn't always have to cost money. We can create similar moments of happiness for others by paying attention and listening. I hope that we all have an opportunity to have a square dancing moment, where someone goes out of their way to show us they care and that we matter. More importantly I hope we seize the moment to be the care giver to a needy patient who deserves to smile joyfully at least one last time.
Saturday, July 7, 2012
As I was driving towards the coast this morning, it was foggy and cool. Although I love that type of weather in the morning, as I arrived closer to my destination, I noticed the clouds begin to lift almost magically. With that came a burst of sunshine and a cool coastal wind that swept all around me. I felt as if I was being hugged by mother nature and sat there while I took in the moment. In life, we too have clouds that can prevent us from seeing what is in front of us. However, we can rest assured that all things change in due time. When we think our moments are dark and feel like a cold night in the middle of winter, in a heart beat, the clarity of summer day can be what follows. We have to keep vigilant in our pursuit of finding clarity and don't be shaken by clouds or fog that seem to linger near you. Before long, those things that blurred your vision will be gone and you will be able to listen to the birds around you as they announce a fresh start to a new day.
Thursday, July 5, 2012
Can we recover from making bad choices? Absolutely! The fact is that we are human and therefore we are not perfect. Our choices have consequences and as a result, we are ultimately liable. The unfortunate part of making bad or poor choices, is that you will repeat them again until you learn the lesson. Patience can be tough if you find yourself going around the same mountain again and you say to yourself, I have been down this road before. That is the opportunity that lies in making poor decisions, in that you are allowed to vindicate yourself and hopefully make better one's instead. For those of us that have gone down a bad road before, we then should also make ourselves accountable for helping others before they head in the wrong path. We can learn a lot from what we did not do so well and hope to do better as time goes on. I heard a very powerful statement yesterday in watching a documentary yesterday from Dr. Marta Moreno Vega who was paraphrasing her mother, "Never forget to see your reflection in someone else". We are all human beings and our ability to see ourselves in others is what could keep us accountable to each other.
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
The word freedom can have a variety of meanings for different people. Around the world, people may live in countries where they are oppressed and are not allowed to practice a particular religion. Others are shunned for speaking to or interacting with people that are not of their own race. Then there are those that are born in places that classify them in a particular caste and the expectation is that they will remain with their kind, as their hopes and dreams become limited. I could go on with many more examples of how freedom is not equal to all. America stands for so many things and above all it still remains the world's model for liberty. I am thankful to have been born in this country along with the many advantages and opportunities that came with that. As we look to celebrate our nation's independence today, I also have gratitude for the many lives that it took and has taken to allow me this blessing that is called freedom. To all that have sacrificed and for the many people around the world that help protect our liberties as Americans, I am forever deeply grateful.
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
There is a song by a famous recording artist, Cheryl Crow, that is titled, "A Change (Would Do You Good)". Aside from liking the catchy song, when I periodically hear it, I always gravitate to the title words. A change can be planned, however, in a lot of cases change occurs rather unexpectedly. Those with a flexible mindset are probably not as taken aback from having to go through a change and then there are those that agonize over this issue. I have always felt that a transition into something new, always came with excitement and the opportunity to learn. I also saw some peers that became paralyzed at the thought of having to change and some even went deep into denial. If given the opportunity, I say embrace the fact that you will learn something new and focus on the possibilities that come with that. None of us ever stay the same. As we age and the way we look changes along with the rest of us, including our mindset. With age we become less tolerant of the things that have less importance. If you are going to worry about something, don't let it be the fact that you are going to change. If you are headed for a change or have been thinking about it, I am sure that it will "do you good" in the long run.
Monday, July 2, 2012
There are days that can be more difficult than others. Our ability to withstand difficulty and show the world that we may be shaken, yet, we are still standing at the end of the day is part of our inherent nature. Children look to adults to learn how this is modeled. When we grow older, we never realize where our strength in a moment of crisis comes from, but we all remember how the adults in our lives handled those moments. We are left wondering after such a period of time, how we navigated through that particular storm. With time and consistency we approach life's issues with a better understanding that we can prevail. Our toolbox on how to navigate life grows with time and we acquire different tools with every different challenge that we face. As a result, we all have various capabilities that we call upon during our lifetime to get us through those arduous periods. A great example of this exists in the classic movie "The Wizard Of Oz", when at the end Dorothy, is given advice and has a revelation that she had the power all along to change her destiny. I hope that all of us realize sooner rather than later that we have that same power and in doing so we can live with more harmony and peace.
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