The opportunity to change or re-invent your life is a daily decision. Choose wisely.
Friday, November 30, 2012
There are moments in our busy everyday lives that bring us to a complete stop and we have to contemplate the situation that we happen to find ourselves in. The best one's are related to when you are issued a compliment that was completely unexpected and you find yourself quite grateful for the words that cheered you up and put a pep in your step. I had one of those moments earlier today and out of the blue I received a note from someone at the other end of the state, that made me feel that I was doing what I am supposed to be doing. These moments don't happen as frequently as one one would like and more importantly on the days that one actually needs to have a boost of energy on a particularly tough day. Then there are those moments that can take our breath away for completely the wrong reason. A negative comment or an experience that is less than what is considered optimal. Luckily, for most people those moments can be quite infrequent as well. The question then becomes how to have a better balance of a day, week, month or year, when one can take a look at their personal inventory of all of these moments? That is also why I value the very small comments or gestures that some people make that can mean the world to someone. As an example, I saw a picture on a message relating to the great attributes that pets bring into the lives of their owners. This particular picture had a very young girl in a wheelchair, that appeared to be at a hospital and was undergoing chemo-therapy. The dog that was next to her in the wheel chair had its head leaning against her and the caption read, "no words". That moment of inspiration from that little girl and her beloved pet, as quickly as I glanced at it, added so much value to my day. My hope is that people learn to filter all of these moments that make up their lives and that they also are getting better at the arithmetic involved with how a balanced formula of living well looks like. Keep count of the great moments and revisit often. For the other side of that count, then look at its significance in comparison to someone that may be dealing with a long term illness, personal relationship issues or a financial burden. When you look at those things together, you will realize that your positive moments can outshine all of the others in an instant make you feel even more grateful for the life that you do have today.
Thursday, November 29, 2012
As the holiday season goes into full swing, I was a little taken aback by how quickly we transitioned from preparing to celebrate Thanksgiving to season's greetings and holiday cheer. I must say that I was very surprised to see my neighbor's put up and turn on their Christmas lights on Thanksgiving Day. The other sign came from my favorite jazz station that all of sudden began playing Christmas music twenty four hours a day and seven days a week. I caught myself being a little negative about this at first and then I quickly came to the realization that if this brings hope and cheer among people around us, then why not? Who am I to say when the magic date is when the holiday season should begin in anyone's home, whether it is inside or out. I have come to embrace the fact that for some the season has come earlier than mine and if the point of the season is filled with all of those things that bring us an expectation that things will be better and more fruitful, I am on their side. When I think about how time flies for everyone, it makes me realize that we have a finite amount of holiday season's in our lives to begin with. We are working with the great unknown as to when will be someone's last. I bet that we all would have gone all out to ensure that knowing that it would be the last holiday we would spend with a particular loved one, that it would be the ultimate best one ever. Therefore, if you were feeling apprehensive about the upcoming holidays and perhaps you were thinking about the costs of shopping for gifts or like me, anxious about having to go into malls or stores with lots of people and little parking, then put it aside. The holidays are to remind us of the season of wonder, hope and joy. If the byproduct of this period are those elements, then we should all be eager to receive the many well wishes and look forward to a season of miracles around us.
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
As I was looking at some motivational quotes to start off my day this morning and I saw one that was written by Orlando A. Battista which states," An error doesn't become a mistake until you refuse to correct it". I thought about this through out the day, because it resonated with me along with something that I learned some time ago related to making mistakes. If you fail to learn the lesson after you make them, then you are bound to repeat them. Today's quote offers a grace period to repeating a mistake or going around the same mountain one more time. If you choose to not correct what is considered an error, then the consequences of that action become not only a mistake, but also provide you with a form of condemnation later, as to why you are in the same boat once again. When things occur in our lives, they are part of our lessons that we are being taught by the universe as our bodies and souls dance in our great life's journey. At one point down the road, hopefully a lot later than sooner, the body and soul will separate when it is time to leave what we have come here to do. I can only suspect that by the time that happens we will leave this great wonderful place with so many lessons that we were able to learn and became the imprint of what our life looked like when we were alive. Wisdom brings us the enlightenment of knowing and recognizing that there are consequences to our actions. Hopefully with time and age behind you, the alarm bells go off a lot quicker when you contemplate making a poor choice and are reminded quickly of how the outcome of your selection may not be in your best interest. Today's words of wisdom are a great reminder that we have a brief period of time to acknowledge when we make errors and the likelihood to rectify them is devoted to the time immediately after. The transformation of a minor misstep to a full fledged mistake that can endure longer than we wanted it to, is entirely up to you.
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
There was an article today that spoke to the issue of reaching out to achieve your dreams, especially when waiting for the opportunity to come and knock on your door does not occur. Being proactive while moving forward is another way to look at this. There are many instances when we seek to achieve goals that some people are very good about being resolved. They write them down, visualize and strategize on how to arrive at their success. Then there are others who contemplate success or a goal and yet leave it to fate as to whether they will obtain it or not. I believe that one has to be as proactive as possible in preparing to attain achievement. Whether your goals are related to work, personal life or other areas that have significant importance to you, the active ingredient in blending the right formula for a particular goal is to ensure that you prepare for it. Being triumphant in a particular area usually means that there was thought and some elbow grease associated with the arrival to that destination. Our journey's may take a different path based upon the circumstances of our lives, however, once a decision is made then the pursuit of your success should not deviate. Another observation that I have made in the years that I have been able to observe people who have flourished, is that if someone else received or arrived at the place that you want to, do not be jealous of another person's achievement. There is a universal law that one has to accept that comes with an element of humility, that we must also learn to harness if we are to move on. Usually, when someone else receives something that a person was yearning for, with the right attitude, that same person who was waiting will end up receiving what they wanted or more. Therefore, continue to be dedicated in your pursuit or goal and learn to create an opportunity where one did not exist.
Saturday, November 24, 2012
I was sent a video clip earlier about a young man in Australia who was competing on the X-Factor talent show. He was disabled and originally from Iraq, where he was found along with his disabled brother in a shoe box in the middle of a war torn area. He and his brother were allowed to travel to have some corrective surgeries and the person that found them and brought them to the land of down under, adopted them as her own afterwards. He appears to be a very talented singer and I am sure he will do very well in pursuing his musical career. His story blew me away and as I went for a walk earlier I could not stop thinking about how he was a remarkable example of what the human spirit is capable of, despite all odds. I don't think for one moment that the person that found them and later became their mother was an accident at all. It was fate along with a great intervention and careful planning from a much higher power. This story will forever be a reminder to me, that no matter what I think a perceived struggle may be, it is absolutely nothing compared to what others have had to contend with in their lives. It can be easy sometimes to want to complain about the things that are missing in our lives or perhaps those things that we would want more of. However, our lives are truly abundant if we took the time to do some quick inventory. If you are able to get out of bed without any assistance, can walk up or down stairs and hear the birds singing outside in the morning, you have a large number of attributes that others who do not, would yearn to have. Media commercials whether on television, internet or radio always paint a picture about how much more value your life would have if you purchased a particular product. What they fail to tell you is that your life may already be pretty good without them. When ever you are feeling like your problems at home, work or within your family may be getting overwhelming, think about the fact that you already have a lot to be grateful for. Start with the mere fact that you have people that you can call family or that you actually live in a home and go from there.
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Today is Thanksgiving Day 2012 and yesterday I challenged people to create a gratitude list that they could reflect upon today. Aside from the items that may be on that list, my hope is that everyone truly embraces the feeling of having and being enough of themselves today. Life can be hard at times and when you think about what has transpired since a year ago today, I would imagine that many people have gone through a substantial amount of change since then. My guess is that people can find it somewhat daunting that the three hundred and sixty five days that created the measure of space between last year and today, is filled with significant mile stones for many individuals. In one year, people have celebrated a new life that was born into a family or among their friends, that is now part of the people that they are connected to. Sadly, in one year some people have lost someone close to them and may still be contending with the grief of not having that person with them on this special day. People may have gotten married over the course of the year and others may have called an end to a long term relationship. So much can happen within this time frame, that selecting a day to reflect on one's many blessings never does it justice. The thing about this day, however, is that you can dedicate it to acknowledging and embracing all of the things that contributed to who you have become thus far. Whether things had a positive or negative effect in your life, is a matter of the perspective that you possess over all of it. There are many service men and women that are not home today, as they may find themselves in a distant land, while putting themselves in harms way to defend our freedom. For those people I am deeply grateful for, as they are part of the reason that I am allowed to celebrate this day with those people that are closest to me, without the any apprehension about my well being or safety. Finally, to the many individuals that have contributed to my life over the last year. Whether it was family, friends or a person that I kept running into that always offered me a smile and or a greeting to make my day, I thank you all for those contributions to my life through out this last year, as my life has been a true bounty of blessings and great fulfillment.
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
In preparation for tomorrow's national holiday, I began to make lists of what I am grateful for today. I also challenge you to do the same, as our ability to celebrate a day of thanks, may have an even deeper meaning if we were to do a little homework on our own. There is a very large list of things that continuously make my day. When I begin each morning during the regular work week, I start by turning on the national news to see what may be occurring with a significant impact to people. I am always thankful that we do not live in a country that is torn by strife and where freedom is not something that you hide. When I see how other parts of the country may be suffering with bad weather, I am also grateful that where I live the sun actually shines and the cold factor is somewhat mild. It does not take very long to see a quick pattern that revolves around negativity in the news and that is why I can only absorb it for so long. There are always a myriad of scandals, political issues or other items that make me feel grateful that we have a democratic system that allows us to elect and exercise our voice by those that we entrust to govern us. I am always saddened to hear a story about a tragic loss of life and unfortunately those are the headlines that continuously make the news as well. When I hear those stories, I feel appreciative that most of the losses of life that I know of were due to natural causes. I also remember once going to work in the morning and being at a stop light for some time. In front of me was a bus stand and I could see a man who was blind waiting to be assisted onto the bus. That image has stayed with me ever since and it has been a great reminder to me that I am thankful to have eye sight and the ability to drive to work. Although my list can go on for a much longer period of time, I wanted it to be a reminder today before tomorrow's special holiday that there is a lot to be grateful for. I hope you make a long list and tomorrow when you are gathered among your family and friends, that you begin share part of your list with others, so that everyone can truly appreciate the bounty that is part of your existing life.
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
This afternoon I was thinking about the word trust. It can be defined as a confident expectation of something. Through out our lives we are taught to be trustworthy of those around us and as we grow up into adulthood, some people develop a deeper relationship with their higher power, who they entrust to be in charge of their lives. Others may have a different path due to their beginning in life, whereby they may have developed a negative association with trust, if they were betrayed by someone who they held with this regard. Although it can take a lifetime of practice in placing one's confidence in a person or something, it can all diminish with one incident. I have known people who were children of divorced parents and a good number of them grew up with apprehensions about marriage or relationships and their ability to lend credence to someone due to what they experienced in their upbringing. Even though time may have moved on and as an adult one thinks that issues from long ago have been resolved, this may prove to be difficult for people that have not made amends with what occurred during their childhood. Our children trust us to be their parent and be their guardian and look after their well being. They have an expectation of trust from the very beginning and yet as adults some of them may have varied levels of this type of confidence in their own family members. We trust our government to look out for our safety and in the event of an accident or natural disaster, we are left with nothing else other than trusting a police, fire or safety officer. If you had an issue with losing trust in years prior, in the spirit of the upcoming holiday of Thanksgiving, perhaps this could be your opportunity to set that which has bothered you for some time aside and put it to rest in your past. Give yourself an opportunity to gain much needed peace of mind if you have had this issue and embrace the relief of finally letting something go. Be thankful for the knowledge of your experience and if you have close people that support you, be grateful for them as well. Although the opportunity to lose this belief in others can occur, I challenge you to trust your heart and those that are part of your inner circle to believe that the best in each other is yet to come.
Monday, November 19, 2012
In order to prepare for success, the ground work and foundation must be laid so that one can achieve it. If you were to ask anyone who considers themselves successful, I am sure that they could tell you stories about how they overcame some great hardships early in life, that led to them being more focused as adults. Life teaches us varied and multiple lessons to help us prepare for each next stage that we are to enter. We forget sometimes that as difficult as some of those stages were, that the lessons were invaluable and as a result, it made us even stronger or determined in our efforts to achieve. It can be a challenge when one faces repeated obstacles, when that occurs you just have to be determined to ensure that you learn the assignment that you were presented with. Interestingly, once you learn a particular task, you then get to move on. Although our paths to success can take a variety of turns, if you are resolved and determined, it does not matter that your path is full of unknowns, as long the real compass to get to your destination lies within you. Envision yourself at the end of the journey that you are on, so that you can begin to feel what that accomplishment will be like when you arrive. Remember to not pay any mind to those detractors that want to see you fail or question your ability to attain what you desire. There are people that are placed on our journeys to reinforce how strong your conviction is and those individuals that questioned your ability should be looked at as simply part of your reinforcement of your ability to succeed. All of the steps that you have taken thus far, are part of what your intended path was. Therefore don't get caught up in quizzing yourself about why your path may have been harder than others. Your success will probably be greater as a result of the adversity that you overcame.
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Today I am revisiting a previous published column.
Inventing Your
“Goal Setting”
Rob Claudio
So what
do people do in tough times, like the times a lot of our folks throughout the country
are experiencing right now? I know that the current economic status of our
nation, has
caused a lot of Americans to scale back when it comes down to expenses and
trying to figure out what is the best possible road map for managing their money.
I have seen money advisers on the nightly news speak about many ways in which
we can all contribute to our better financial well being. What I found was a
common theme among a lot of those that offered advice. You have to set goals. Whether
you want to get rid of debt or you want to lose weight, you need to be able to
speak it, write it and then take action on it. One of the greatest books written on
achieving goals I have always felt has been, “The Power of Focus” by Canfield, Hansen
and Hewitt. It is the type of book that you can open to any random chapter and
still receive a clear message. I plan to re-visit some additional chapters of
this book in the future as it is a valuable jewel. However, for the purposes of
goal setting, I wanted to share with you its Top Ten Goals Checklist. 1. Your most important goals must be yours. Although this sounds obvious, a common mistake
made by many people is to allow their main goals to be designed by someone
else. This could be your spouse, friends, neighbors, boss, etc… 2. Your goals
must be meaningful. Your reasons for charting a new course of action are what give
you the drive and energy to get up in the morning, even on the days you don’t
feel like it. 3. Your goals must be specific
and measurable. This is where most people have difficulty. They fail to define
what they want. Vague generalizations and wishy washy statements aren’t good
enough. One example is the statement, “I
want to lose weight”. More specifically the statement should be, “I want to
lose 50 pounds within one year”…or something to that effect. 4. Your goals must be flexible. A
flexible plan allows you the freedom to change course. This does not mean you
start chasing after every idea that comes by your door. It simply means that sometimes
you need to make some changes in order to continue to pursue your goals. 5. Your goals must be challenging and
exciting. When you set goals that are exciting
and challenging, you acquire an edge that prevents you from settling into a
life of boredom. Create goals that get you so excited you can hardly sleep at
night. 6. Your goals must be in alignment
with your values. Anything that you feel
strongly about that resonates at a deeper level of your being, those are your
core values. When you harness your core values
to purposeful goals, decision-making becomes easy. 7. Your goals must be well balanced. When you are setting goals, make sure you include
areas that give you time to relax and enjoy the finer things in life. Creating
optimum balance will enable you to enjoy a well balanced lifestyle. 8. Your goals must be realistic. There are no such things as unrealistic
goals, only unrealistic time frames. Make sure your plan is not far-fetched and
allow a reasonable amount of time to get there.
9. Your goals must include contribution. Contribution can take many forms.
You can give your time or expertise to others, so that you are not just taking
but giving back. You can also contribute financially to a worthy cause. It is a
universal law; we usually get back a lot more than we give. 10. Your goals need
to be supported. Selectively sharing
your dreams with a few people you trust, creates your support network. These are
carefully chosen proactive people who will support and encourage you when the
going gets tough. I hope that this list will provide you with a platform of how
to achieve any goal you set forth, no matter how big or small. If they are your
goals, then they are important and I look forward to hearing about our accomplishments
in the future!
– “To achieve all
that is possible, you must attempt the impossible. To be as much as you can be,
you must dream of being more. Your dream
is the promise of all you can become.
Friday, November 16, 2012
"I'm a success today because I had a friend who believed in me and I didn't have the heart to let him down", this is a famous quote by one of our nation's greatest Presidents Abraham Lincoln. I know there is a movie that is being released about him and I was thinking about the turmoil he found himself in during his Presidency, including one of his greatest achievements of the emancipation of slavery. These days a President can be scrutinized in the public media for the smallest of things, that I cannot bring myself to imagine what President Lincoln must have dealt with during those changing times. I admire him for what he stood for and his beliefs that were so strong to his core values that, that he became the catalyst for change that to this day stand as part of our country's own virtues. I remember being at the Smithsonian Museum in Washington, D.C., a couple of years ago and was struck by an exhibit devoted to him and his wife. They had silverware and clothing that had been theirs on display and I could not believe that I was looking at something that was utilized during that time frame that was still so impeccable. Being so close to objects that had such history that one could almost touch, was mind boggling to me and I was so appreciative of the work that had been done by historians that felt that all of these things would be able to help tell the story of such a great American leader. I would consider President Lincoln a righteous, honest and brave person and as I walked through the Lincoln Memorial and saw the Gettysburg Address carved into the walls of that great structure, the meaning of the words resonated even more to me. This man was so ahead of his time and I felt badly that he died not of natural causes and that his life was cut too short. He did so much while he was alive that I wonder what other great things he may have accomplished had he had more time. With regards to his quote, I thought to myself about the fact that if you have someone who believes in you, it causes you to work harder to not let them down. President Lincoln, had so much belief in his friends and conversely they did so in him. I hope that we all remember what a great individual he was and we continue to share the greatness that he brought to our country that elected him to the highest office in the land, while he changed the course of our history.
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Robin Roberts who is the host of "Good Morning America", has been on medical leave to recover from a bone marrow transplant and residual medical issues that she has been dealing with. Prior to this issue, she went public when she battled cancer and brought a lot of attention to disease and what people undergo as a result. She is among my favorite people on television news as I remember her from the years when she used to cover sports. One of her sayings that was taught to her by her mother, who passed away within the last year, was to "make your mess your message". When I watch the newscast these days without Robin, I often think about her mother's message to her and how she has handled all of this so gracefully in the public eye. I am also a true believer in that what ever your mess was, if you got through it, then you have the responsibility to help someone else through theirs. It is also very interesting that people who keep their mess a secret live with condemnation, fear or embarrassment that suppresses who they really are. When the opportunity arises to release such a mess from your life, clarity usually follows, as one is no longer blurred by the impaired myopic view in which they saw the world previously. The world usually is much more forgiving than we are, when it comes to things that may have been a mess. I think about the many scandals that people in power or the public eye have faced and as much as there was rhetoric about their particular situation during a particular time, things usually subside. People remember individuals who show the rest of the world that their imperfections are in actuality character elements that made them who they are. It does not matter that one is not part of the world of media or public scrutiny as the feelings of being in a mess are the same to all. I hope that if you find yourself in such a place, that you can take heed in releasing your apprehension about your situation and be prepared to help someone else get through their tough spot, as soon as you get through yours. When you think back two years from now, my bet is that you will have a hard time remembering why you caused yourself so much consternation over a little mess that has long ago been cleaned up.
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
One of my favorite author's is Marianne Williamson and she is in the process of releasing a new book. She published a statement excerpt from her book today and I wanted to address something that she highlighted in it. "Nothing binds you except your thoughts", was the first part of her statement and I chose to stop there for a few moments to consider its deeper meaning. We can be our own worst enemy when it comes to allowing ourselves to persevere or reach a goal that had been set as a planned target. Because we hold the formula for success or failure within us, it can be difficult to point a finger at anyone other than ourselves when we fall short of our own expectations. We are free in our thoughts to think outside of the realm of possibility and for some people, they are able to achieve those heights with much hard work and dedication. So what happens to those that fall victim to acknowledging the voice in their head that may have questioned their ability? These are part of those binding thoughts that can be the difference between success or a work in progress that is still not complete. If you have such thoughts that limit your ability to believe in yourself, then begin to put them aside and do your best to quiet that voice that keeps wondering if you are ever going to achieve what you set out to do. If you ever believed that you were capable of achieving something, then you have a responsibility to yourself to see that dream come to life. Doubtful people around you will always wait for the opportunity to point out someone's short comings, without lending any additional support. Therefore, work on eliminating those individuals that question your ability to overcome and do not give them your valuable attention. The thoughts that brought you to speak the words that allowed possibility in your life, are the one's that you need to cling to when times get tough and any self questioning sets in. Everyone is capable of and has an inherit ability to achieve their desired purpose, you just need to allow your thoughts to fall in sync with what your heart truly desires.
Monday, November 12, 2012
As we come to the close of our national observance of Veteran's Day, I wanted to address one of the key elements that our hero's and "sheros" have done for so many years in their dedication to fighting for our freedom all over the world. The term sacrifice comes to mind quite readily, as one of the definitions is to surrender something of value as a means of gaining something more desirable. What these men and women have done in their service was to put their country first, while they left family and friends behind. In the chaotic world that we are currently living in, it can be a variable struggle for any country that seeks a democracy, to not have some type of unrest around them. Our great nation was founded on sound principles that are part of its foundation and there are many nations across the globe that look to us as a model. Because there is world turmoil among nations of various races along with religions, freedom can come with a hefty price tag. When we see or hear a news story about another life that was lost as a result of the dedication of these soldiers, it is a sobering reminder that human lives are at stake daily and although most return home to their waiting families, some do not. When I think about the forbearance of all of these people, I also think of the many families that never had the happy celebration of the return home of their loved ones. In remembering all of the great men and women who fought and served for our country, I have nothing but complete gratitude for them. For the many families that lost someone as a result of their service, I pray that their hearts will heal as the beautiful memories of those individuals live on as a reminder of the unselfish sacrifice they made for the country that they so dearly loved.
Saturday, November 10, 2012
They say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. This has been a classic phrase that has stood over the years and many have provided various examples of this in their lives. While doing some research this afternoon I ran across a website that asked, "What are the five most beautiful things in front of you?". The question was meant to explore beauty that is not hidden and visible to all. More importantly, the fact that one may be overlooking something that has great magnificence instead of seeking a grand gesture of attraction, may cause someone to miss this opportunity. I like to look at the small things that can behold beauty, as nature always reminds me of the great canvass in which it paints its scenery. When I look at a delicate flower that is blooming all by itself and in a bold vivid color, I am always amazed that this was created so meticulously. In our busy lives, it is easy to forget that many small things with great features are at our fingertips on a consistent basis. I also surround myself with lots of pictures of my family, friends and places that inspire me, so that I am constantly reminded about those moments of beauty that were captured on a particular day. We all have great photographs that are usually stored away in an album in a storage area somewhere and it is interesting that we forget to revisit them on a more frequent basis. I have a good friend who has a great tradition of celebrating birthdays with her grandchildren. She takes out all of their pictures on their birthday and they look at how much they have grown over the years, while eating a piece of homemade cake that was specially made for them. I love that one can revisit those objects of beauty and create a tradition along with them. I encourage you to look for your five things that behold beauty and I also hope that you take this inventory at different locations. Use this instance to celebrate the blessings around you and provide yourself with the opportunity to have more abundance in your life as a result.
Friday, November 9, 2012
I read a quote this morning that stated the following, "Prepare your mind to receive the best that life has to offer", by Ernest Holmes. It made me pause for some time as I found the words to not only be profound and yet there was a lot of truth associated with them as well. There are many life strategists around the world that speak to this concept quite frequently and they specifically indicate that one has to be willing to imagine the great bounties in front of you, in order for you to reap them later. To deconstruct this a little more, I do feel that there are many people who may be stuck in feeling that they may not be worthy of something and as a result, they may not achieve what they were expecting. In the world of fitness, sports coaches also use this philosophy with many top athletes in various sports. If you cannot imagine that you are a winner or the top of your sport, then you may be left with the a hurdle that may never be overcome. It all begins with some simple beliefs that are anchored by the fact that you are worth what you ask for and that you are also deserving of this and more. Suze Orman, the great money and financial guru, has also stated some of these related beliefs when it comes to people and money. I read one of her early books on the topic and she asks people to develop a mantra about their financial well being. When she shared hers, she began by stating that she had more money than she will ever need. This is sometime before here now even larger amount of wealth. In her advice, she began with the fact that if you are constantly worried about finances, then you need to address some much more deep personal issues than just lack of funds in a bank account. Financial well being begins with having a healthier attitude about one's relationship with money and having the proper respect for it. Remember that money cannot buy you happiness, however, it can make your life a lot more comfortable. Therefore, as you plan for what you want to materialize in your life, remember to prepare yourself along with your mind for prosperity or what ever it is that you desire. In order for things to be manifested, it must begin with the basics of willing to see yourself in that future situation and begin letting go of your current one.
Thursday, November 8, 2012
I was trying to get through security at the airport yesterday and there was a very young girl with her family in front of me that was clinging to a pillow-like stuffed animal that resembled a puppy. When she got to the security inspection, her father had to convince her for quite some time that she needed to let her toy go through on the beltway to be inspected. She hesitated for a long time and asked some poignant questions of her Dad with regards to the procedures that she had to follow. Finally she conceded and walked through security and then ran towards the beltway to grab her prized possession afterwards. It made me wonder to myself about what our own prized possessions are and what would we do without them. I know most people will list their family and friends first and foremost on their inventory. Interestingly as we get older it is the material things take less importance and to some they don't even make their top ten list. One of the great assets of growing older is that we are better able to distinguish what has true value versus what the world perceives as more important. I like the view of an innocent child who categorizes their own items of treasure based upon their value system. They usually gravitate to the simple and comforting things, that most adults would have less of an investment in. We could certainly learn a lot from the innocence of children, about what is important and pay lowered attention to the things that are less insignificant. If you still have loved ones around you, treasure them and give them a hug more frequently as we all know how limited time really is. If you have pictures in albums that you have not seen in quite some time, take a moment to go over some of those treasures that you harbor vigilantly. On your own personal inventory list of things that are important, I hope that it becomes shorter and filled with more things that add fruitful value to your life. Whatever your prized possessions are, may they be filled with wonderful people, memories of happy and joyful times along with less material things that carry minimal importance.
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Change is inevitable and with the wisdom that comes from years of being alive, it is can be somewhat easier to create this expectation as time goes on. Some people do not care for it and become very apprehensive at the thought that something will be different soon. There is a level of anxiety that comes with those feelings and for some it can take on a life of its own. I have been one of those people that usually looked forward to something shifting and the thought of not following the usual routine was always a highlight for me. I am not sure what it is that causes some to feel more one way versus another, however, I do know that because of our differences we bring a sense of balance to the world. For me, changes provide a different point of view, an opportunity and an end to what may have been stagnation. This is why I like to find things that inspire me and why I like to share those inspiring messages with others. I do make it a point to not forget what is behind me, I simply use that which I learned to move forward. I know of many people who are simply afraid and would rather live in the chaos that they know, than try something different. I heard a saying many years ago from a well known preacher who said, "living in the garage day after day, will not make you a car". Therefore one has to venture beyond their boundaries and seek to eliminate those layers that may have long ago been ready to discard. If ever I do undertake a substantial change, I may feel a slight sense of nervousness, however, it quickly dissipates as my excitement for what is new or changing overtakes those other emotions. We will never remain the same age and time marches on whether we like it or not. Therefore accept that you will continue to transform and seek to progress beyond what you have learned. Choose your attitude wisely and allow yourself to live for the next day that may bring you a very different and much needed transition to your life.
Monday, November 5, 2012
Tomorrow a good majority of people will be fixed to their television sets as they watch another presidential election unfold before them, after what seems as a semi-eternal campaign season. What is key for me, is that people of all ages, backgrounds and races exercise their privilege to cast a vote for an issue, a person or a measure. I also hope that they are cognizant enough to know that the freedom to vote is not universal around the world. Our founding fathers ensured that we had these rights when they established a democracy in our country and made it a government by the people and for the people. This guaranteed that everyone was represented and although it took our country a good number of years to recognize everyone, we finally got there. It is interesting to me when I speak to people that are older who remember how segregated our communities were, based upon what was acceptable in states through out our country. It was not too long ago, when women did not have equal rights and people of color struggled behind women to be recognized as equivalent. There are examples across the world, where people risk their lives to vote and to voice their opinions in public, because they are passionate about issues and the world in which they live in. People have to America as refugees from their home country, who fled political oppression along with a variety of other intolerable conditions. We are one of the few places in the world where freedom of speech exists and we are able to publicly have an opinion without risking our lives or absorbing some type of retribution for our beliefs. Because of all of these things, I am proud to live in this country that is still a shining example of democracy and allows its people voices to echo across the lands during the election process. It is my sincere hope that tomorrow people will proceed with casting their votes and that they remember this prerogative came with a price that a lot of people paid a long time ago.
Saturday, November 3, 2012
This morning I was watching a couple of college football games that were quite spirited and had some pretty large crowds in attendance. One of the statistics that I found fascinating by one of the announcers was that a particular team from the the mid-west had forty thousand season ticket holders. That number was simply unfathomable, however, it showed that the community rallied strongly around this team and they were fiercely loyal. That quality of loyalty was what got me thinking afterwards as to how loyal we are to others as well. First and foremost I think the overwhelming majority of folks are loyal to their country and rightly so. Because there have been so many battles fought in order to protect our freedom and rights and I would say that I too am fiercely loyal as a proud American. People are loyal about many things including the brands that they select for purchases in their homes. Families can be loyal to brands of cars, household products and even appliances that they associate with quality or safety. It takes many years to build brand loyalty, that is why so many competitors are out there vying for one's hard earned dollars. When it comes to personal relationships, I know that many people are very loyal to their friends and family. I think we could use more of that, as we need to build a stronger sense of community among us. We need to trust and respect each other in order to continue to build that long lasting sense of devotion. I like the fact that social networking has added additional elements to reinforce our allegiance as well. We are reminded by family or friends that may not live near us as to how much we value them, even from a distance. Our bond has never wavered among those that may not be so close and we are offered frequent reminders by connecting to them regularly that we indeed value each other greatly. I hope that people have many examples of this great quality around them and the next time you consider how much you value your loyal friends, reach out and express your gratitude for their years of enrichment to your life.
Friday, November 2, 2012
In listening to the many stories from what occurred back East this week in America, it was difficult to watch how many people struggled after the hurricane swept through such a large part of the country. With many people still engaged with the recovery efforts, it was a good reminder about how much we have to be thankful for on a daily basis. As our hearts go out to the many that are still struggling, we should also be reminded of our ability to aide others in need. Our country was built on the core principles of pursuing liberty, freedom and justice for all. However, there are times when other qualities in our country allow the many Americans to shine brightly in this vast world of ours. I do feel that we live in the best country in the world and the U.S. has shown over the years that it helps others in need when others who find themselves in the midst of a natural disaster. There are countless examples of when this has occurred, however, none is greater than our own struggles within our own country and how we lend a helping hand to those that need it. Whether it is through donations to agencies like the Red Cross, blood donations to your local blood bank or donating food and clothing to other non profit agencies, to let folks know they are all in our thoughts and prayers. I hope that this all serves as an example of what can occur in our own neighborhoods at any given time. Living in California, we have had our own share of earthquakes, fires and floods that have devastated parts of the state over the years. We should be vigilant in offering assistance to those that need it, as we never know when we might be in need of assistance ourselves. Remember to do your best and show that your generosity to others can be provided in a variety of ways. After all, we as a community need to hold hands when these type of events occur.
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