The opportunity to change or re-invent your life is a daily decision. Choose wisely.
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Last night I was volunteering at a church carnival where there were lots of kids running around with wide eyes and lots of smiles. As I saw how they were marveling at the lights and sounds of games, rides and food booths. The moment also made me remember how I felt when I was young and went to similar events. This made me long for the ability to bottle certain feelings like this, where we could use this antidote for the tough days that we sometimes face and we could open up the container and take a spoonful of this great feeling. When you see young children smiling from ear to ear and visually taking everything in as if it were the first time they saw any of this, it can bring a smile to anyone's face. Although it may not have been the first time for some of these children at this type of an event, their appearance exemplified the contrary. We could learn a lot from the way children look at the world. At a young age, one has no bias or basis for judging anyone or anything other than for its merit. The color of someone's skin or their personal background is irrelevant to a child who wants to play on a swing with someone else that can laugh along next to them. Our ability as adults to not be tainted by life experiences and how we view things, makes it a bit more challenging. However, we can certainly recall that looking at our surroundings with the innocence of a child's point of view is worth seeking to reclaim for ourselves once again. The next time you are at a beach, park or admiring the flowers in your garden, remember to reach for that feeling that you felt as a child, when you saw all of this for the very first time. The minute you close your eyes and smile at the amazement in front of you, is when you realize that the bottle of your childhood's fascination is still with you.
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
There was a short excerpt from one of my favorite authors, John C. Maxwell, that I was looking at earlier where he addresses the subject of money. He essentially pared things down to two things that money can help you do. One is that it gives you options and two is that it allows you to help others. I really liked this message as it was very simple and to the point. Many of us always fantasize about what having a windfall of money could mean in our lives. For some, it could be the saving grace in a culmination of moments that were woven with uncertainty, apprehension or anxiety. The spectrum could certainly swing from the materialistic to the philanthropic. I also recall many years ago with a good friend of mine where we used to buy lottery tickets, about 2-3 dollars each about once a month and when we discussed how we would spend our millions, we called it our version of therapy. We considered that this type of therapy was much less expensive than a professional session and more importantly, it kept us dreaming and laughing about the possibilities. In hearing Mr. Maxwell talk about his two simple definitions of money, it resonated with me as I am in full agreement with his explanation. After all of these years of dreaming about how money could change my life, it does not alter the fact that I appreciate so many other things that cannot be bought by wealth itself. Good health, a harmonious happy family, good friends that you can depend on or among the most valuable to me; inner-peace. I still dream about many things that a good fortune could bring, however, I also include in my dreams how much responsibility I would have in helping others. The bottom line, is that many people around us need assistance and whether we could provide our time and talent versus a monetary amount, the world still needs us to give back. We all have the ability to be a wind fall to someone else, it just depends on the perspective. Choose to use your resources or talent to do good things and with good intentions. In the end, your contributions will be far more valuable than the world's definition of this term.
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
There are times when we need to shake things up a bit in order to revitalize ourselves and what our intended purpose or goals might be. I always find that the changing of seasons through out the year, are the canvass and opportunity for when these type of things can occur. If you had been contemplating over the summer that you might be in a rut or that you needed to make some changes, well Autumn has officially arrived. Therefore if you were waiting for an event to be the catalyst for your impending changes, then why not select this as your time to do that. For a lot of people changes are made because they are forced to, which means that there may be a reluctance to the change as it was not of someone's own volition. The medicine if you will, can go down much more smoother if the change is initiated by the individual. Remember that change can happen in tiny little steps at first, so begin by putting resolve to your ideas and make that first move. As the Autumn season moves along and we expect the leaves on the trees to change color and eventually drift into a chilly evening sky, then you can model this type of effect in your own life. Let go of the things that you had been meaning to and change your attitude to reflect the new changes in and around you that are part of this new season.
Monday, September 24, 2012
Over the weekend I was watching a movie and I heard one of the actor's repeat a word, while pausing to reflect in that moment. The word was "redemption" and although there are a few definitions for it, I was attracted to one of the meanings that defined it as deliverance or rescue. Because there many times through out our lives when we may feel that we need to be delivered or rescued from something, I became more intrigued by the this particular word. When we were younger we relied on our parents to not only teach us right from wrong, yet, we also expected them to be our safety net. The fact that we had someone that was looking out for us and unconditionally loving us whether we deserved it or not is one of the most powerful acts that a parent will ever perform. In people's lives the responsibility may have been related to a; parent, sibling, step parent, grandmother or other unique individual that played this role. For anyone that did this for us we should be forever grateful that they did so. As we get older and we begin losing those people around us, it becomes even more evident how pivotal the role was of these individuals. Although we may need less rescuing or deliverance in our adult lives, it does feel good to have someone in your corner that is looking out for your best interests. If there people around you playing this guardian like role, remember to thank them frequently and acknowledge how your life has more value because of them. Perhaps you are the person that feels responsible for someone else and if that is the case then know that your contributions will forever be instilled in someone's heart. Never forget that time is much shorter than you think and we do not want to lose an opportunity to communicate our gratitude to others that mean so much to us. When you think of redemption in the future, think of it with a heroic connotation as you never know when you may need a guardian like person around you that can help you in a moment of rescue.
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Today I am revisiting a previously published column.
Inventing Your Life
Rob Claudio
As we get closer to
Spring and life begins blooming around us, I am always amazed at how nature
goes through this metamorphasis of bringing new life to all living things. I see it as a transformation that brings
renewal that we can all learn a lesson from.
In life, I think things very much mirror the year’s season’s as we go
through our own seasons of change. I
would like for you to begin thinking about what you can tackle this Spring as
you continue to transform your life to the person you are meant to be. Perhaps it is confronting a bad habit and
leaving that which needs to be left behind once and for all. A lot of
us get lost in the fact that we live in what we know and that which is
familiar. The challenge for us is to let
go of things and live in that unfamiliar state, which may bring pause and
apprehension to some. What I have
learned is that a little risk can do a body good. Sometimes, we need to be a little fearful of
what we are not comfortable with, in order to peel another layer away of that
which you have no use for. We are all
very complex individuals and it has taken a lifetime of experiences to get us
to where we are today. I am of the firm
belief that if something no longer works for you in your life, you can
certainly change it. It all takes time
and some discipline, however, I think a lot of people get stuck in the planning
and contemplating part of transforming versus looking at what the end result
will be. I know that living in the known
chaos for some is more of a comfort than living in the potential unknown. The question is, for how long? I have asked you in the past to take
inventory of your lives and begin the process of choosing what is
important to you and letting go of what is not adding value. Use this season as your spring board, to be
able to at least tackle one of the items in your self inventory to finally put
in your past. Look forward to your new beginning and see what the new season brings into your life.
“It’s what
you learn after you know it all, that counts.”
– John Wooden
Friday, September 21, 2012
I had a wonderful moment earlier today, when I was inadvertently about to get on the freeway after a meeting, when the Space Shuttle Endeavor, flew over me as it made its way through Orange County on its final flight. For a few moments I was able to see this majestic man made space vehicle, that in its history was able to travel into space while taking a look at our world from a view that only a few have traveled. This made me think about our own lives and how we have those moments when we are able to think far outside the regular boundaries. When those moments occur, we are able to feel like there is nothing in the world that can stop us. The feeling of empowerment and creativity that can over take while putting a spark inside us, is something that we would be rich from if we could bottle it. We need to allow ourselves to have more of those moments that add a certain richness that cannot be defined by regular standards. Whether you meditate, pray, make time for yourself or reflect daily, my wish is that these moments provide everyone with divine inspiration. Let's focus on carving out those periods in a day, when we can take enable our minds to go far beyond what we thought they were able to. Ensure to reflect upon the possibilities that you want for your life and allow your heart and soul to dance with joy at the prospects that come with this.
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
When I read and see what is happening in the world with regards to violence because of differences of beliefs or opinions, it makes me wonder about the unintended consequences of some people's actions. The word respect comes to mind as it appears to have left the vocabulary of many of these activists who appear to be fighting for the root causes of freedom. The world is far too diverse to be defined by any one group. Our vast differences are what I feel make us so much stronger as a people, yet, some folks forget that being different should never mean to lack respect or look down on someone else. When we have these differences, we should be thankful that there are others with a different view. Solutions to some of our problems aren't always developed by those that are immediately involved. Some of the best problem solving can occur when people outside of an issue take a look at a situation without any bias. It can make for a dynamic way of achieving innovation or change and the possibility that can come with this should be welcomed and not disregarded. I hope that our future generations are more evolved with respect to these pressing contentions. We should be able to learn from others and allow our capacity to be built as human beings. Let us never forget that we are better because we are different and lets be resolved to keep respect for each other regardless of our persuasions. We can be better and our posterity deserves a fighting chance.
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
One of the challenges that can come with age is is how our body parts seem to wear down and all of a sudden we are faced with aches and pains that nobody ever warned us about. I sometimes laugh out loud to myself, when all of a sudden the simplest of things can be a little more complicated because of years of wear and tear. I jokingly tell friends that nobody gave me a "body manual" when I was younger to guide me on the unexpected changes that occur with us as we get older. The way I see it, is that you can either let it consume you or you can adjust your mind and body to the new normal. I find that it is no different than what we go through in life, in that we are not always prepared for the obstacles that come our way. Yet, our human instinct propels us to acclimate in our circumstance and we begin to lead the charge forward. Unfortunately, I have also seen some examples of people where the individual accepted a victim mentality and let go of the survivor one. Although difficult at times, I find that survivors live for another day, while victims may fail to move forward because they are still holding on to their past. We all know that an attribute of youth is that the mind and body fires on all cylinders. Then time changes our speed along with the physical resiliency that we were accustomed to. I try not to lose sight of the need to celebrate that my mind is filled with a lot more knowledge as a result of the years behind me. This can provide for a new perspective on what an issue may have been and can make the difference between surviving and thriving. Consider that you are made up of all of those years that you can now claim as your life experience. Never forget that it is all within you, you are simply learning to adjust to your new packaging. Finally, remember to turn your surviving years to prosperous ones, by changing your view and giving yourself credit for the many years that it has taken you to get to this stage in life.
Monday, September 17, 2012
This afternoon I was listening to a story where they were speaking about eliminating your distractions. I paid special attention to this as I felt that distraction can play a large hurdle at times for many people in achieving their goals. For some it can be when you lose sight of what your prize is or perhaps when there are so many things coming at you from different directions, that you may get frustrated as to where you are going. Life is like that at times and it can be challenging to catch your bearings and realize you have to reset your course as you plan to move ahead in your journey. There are things that we can do to adjust to these occurrences, so that we keep moving forward and not lose the momentum we had built. Take inventory of what you have accomplished and use that as your platform to build upon the rest of your success. Many people lose sight of their achievements because they may feel they have not gotten to the pinnacle of where they were headed. The fact is, you may have traveled a significant distance from where you were and this can be the appropriate time to reflect on what you have attained. When a myriad of things occur at once, take each of those issues one step at a time. If you are a good multi-task oriented person, this may not be the best time to take on so many things at once, while only devoting a small amount of time to each. When issues are at hand it may be best to address each one on a case by case basis. Provide enough time to address your challenges, so that you do not repeat them again in the future. Remember that distractions will always be there and the key is to not lose sight of your goals. Simply dust yourself off and be resolved to get to your intended target.
Saturday, September 15, 2012
There are times in life when one has to be assertive in order to achieve a particular goal. This term should not be confused with being overbearing or confrontational. Assertiveness means that you are taking the lead and that you are confident as well as positive. I am fond of this term as it also is the opposite of passivity. Sometimes in life, we need to take the lead or be a risk taker in order to fulfill an accomplishment. The ability to use this characteristic with style and grace is what can take some years to acquire. A side benefit of having an assertive demeanor can lend itself to helping those in need, who perhaps are not strong enough to help themselves. There a number of opportunities available to lend your talents and when you add the elements of being positive and confident the outcome can be far greater than you imagined. Challenge yourself to be the role model for others and be undaunted in your ability to serve. We can help bring others along on their journey with a bold assurance that our assertiveness cam allow us to foster. If you have been passive about something, think of this as your opportunity to change that. Take the lead and allow yourself to succeed at your intended goal. In the process, don't forget to look out for others that may need you, as in the future others may be lending you an assertive hand as well.
Friday, September 14, 2012
I was speaking to someone earlier this week who gave me a new perspective when we were talking about the current heat wave surrounding our end of summer. The way they looked at it was that this was an opportunity for them to sweat out any existing toxins in their body before Autumn and Winter set in and they would not be able to do it as readily then. I thought that was a pretty good way to handle being uncomfortable at times as we navigated this unlikely weather. It made me think even further about how we can always accept a situation that we happen to be in and allow ourselves to find where the opportunity lies in those moments. It can be somewhat difficult at times depending on the severity of a situation, however, I believe that there is always something that we can be thankful for. One example that came to mind was when a person is dealing with illness. Perhaps the gratitude can come from being able to afford going to the doctor or having someone to care enough about your health to follow up on your condition. Another example can be related to those that may feel like their current job is not right for them or perhaps they do not even like going to work anymore. The moment of appreciation there can lie in the fact that the person actually has a job, while others struggle to find one. There many other examples like these that come to mind where one may feel that they are in very difficult situations with no way out. Begin by counting your blessings as limited as they may appear to you. Ideally when you begin by acknowledging that which is right and in what ever quantity, it can begin to fill up that part inside of you that can feel empty at times. Change your perspective by allowing yourself to think beyond your boundaries. Seek the possibilities when at first you think you may have a challenging issue. The more your thinking aligns with this type of reasoning, the more you will find that your hurdles can turn into opportunities at any given time.
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Adding consistent positive behavior to your life can be the catalyst for living with more balance while you bring transformation into your existence. In developing consistency we must be deliberate in our actions that we want to turn from periodic activity to habits, which then become more permanent lifestyle changes. Whether it is eating more healthy or eliminating downward spiral conversations, it all begins with one's effort and determination. What can be challenging is that changes due to consistent behavior do not always come overnight. Therefore the expectation of immediate results should not be part of a desired outcome. Doing things long term and over time is what can bring true everlasting change. This topic can be difficult in our current society when we expect things almost instantaneously. Just because information travels at warp speed, does not mean that persistent behavior can change one's life in the same way. Let's not forget that as a child learns to walk one small step and bobble at a time, deliberate changes that can lead to desired outcomes must also be contemplated in the same way. What we can learn from the walking child example is that eventually they do begin to walk and in no time it turns into a quick jog, which then culminates in running fast. As such, we should begin to expect that our small steps will lead to a steady pace over time. Learn to be unfaltering and unwavering as you practice consistency, while you move forward through your life's journey. These efforts can help bring you desired changes in your daily living while making your life steps less strenuous as a result.
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
As we get through the final days of summer and in some areas we still might be struggling with the heat, I find myself waking up each morning with a little more anticipation as I feel the season about to change. My absolute favorite time of year is Fall and although we are not there yet, the conditions of the changing weather patterns let me know that the full change is not to far in the distance. Similarly, when we think about what can potentially change in our lives, it may give us that excited feeling that stirs some butterflies inside of us as we await the possibilities before us. If you have been feeling stuck in a season that you thought would never bring you a harvest, here may be your turning point. When we seek things that will bring change to our lives, sometimes they occur quickly while other times it could feel like you were watching paint dry. Having the courage and faith that keeps you grounded in knowing that you not only believe in your circumstances are about to change, but also having the definite expectation that this is why you have been exercising your patience muscle for so long. It can take courage to dream something different for your life, however, one also has to have that belief deep down inside of you that speaks to you your spirit and tells you that your day is coming. So as you await the ending of your summer that may have been warmer and filled with more unpredictable weather patterns, take comfort in the new season about to arrive in your life. Expect that things will begin to shift in the direction that you want them to and keep up your grateful attitude in the process. Before long the new shifting winds will be sweeping over you as you find yourself amidst your desired intentions.
Monday, September 10, 2012
Karma can be defined as the doctrine of inevitable consequence. The energy that we put out into the world, will be the same type of energy that we will receive in return. There are other sayings related to this philosophy, such as you reap what you sow or the law of cause and effect. As I was contemplating this altogether I recalled a lesson I learned from my grandmother who was a very big influence in my life as I was growing up. When I would go with her to the store or to help her pay bills (there was no online banking then), it seemed almost inevitably that we would always run into someone that would be asking for change. My grandmother would always search through her purse and put together coins to give to whomever was asking her for it. She always had a lot of change in her purse so when she gave someone any money it was always close to a dollar or more in total. At first I used to tell her how these people were capable of working and getting free money for nothing was just a scam. My grandmother would simply look at me and promptly ignore me, while giving the people the money anyway. It wasn't until many years later that I realized what the lesson she was trying to teach me was far more important than what I was observing. My lesson was to give unconditionally and intention of our actions was not to be measured by an immediate result. It was not until I was much older and in college that I actually got to comprehend all of this better. As I looked back in how she helped raise me, she never expected anyone to pay her back and she never asked anybody any questions about why they may have needed the money. She simply gave with a pure heart. The results that I saw as time went on, was how much people gave to her on a continuous basis. We lived in an agricultural area and she always had someone she knew drop off fresh fruits or vegetables that were part of an excess harvest. The people that she knew would come to say hello and were part of a vast amount of friends that walked in and out of our house leaving her with warm regards and something she could use in her kitchen. She left this world many years ago and left me with this, along with other many valuable lessons. As I think about what I was taught, I realize that the world would be far more balanced if we could learn to give of ourselves unconditionally and with no strings attached. I try as often as I can to replicate what my grandmother taught me and I can only hope to achieve at least one quarter of what she was able to impart to me while I was being taught in her masterclass.
Saturday, September 8, 2012
Opportunities can come to us when we least expect them. At times we think we have been waiting for so long for something to transpire in our lives which can definitely try our patience. There is no right formula for how one achieves success as it is defined from one person to the next. However, if we prepare for the moment that opportunity comes then we may be more inclined to arrive at our desired destination quicker. One of the questions that can us to pause at times is, "how do I measure success in my life"? Depending on where you are in life, this question can also have a myriad of variables. When we are younger, it can be defined by more material things, such as a nice car, a great job or the ability to use your discretionary income to entertain you. If you were to ask someone who is older, the answers are usually quite different. With age we seek better health, better lives for our children, stability, along with a more peaceful existence. Interestingly you cannot tell someone who is younger that they should wish for the things that an older person wants. Time will take care of all that for them. As the older adults all we can do is provide guidance and assurance to our younger counterparts that things will work out the way they are supposed to. We can assist the younger generation by lighting the way for them as someone may have done for us. Giving them advice, providing them with encouragement or simply lending a good ear when they need it. Whether you are younger or older, we all look forward to an opportunity that can add value to our lives. Prepare and be patient as your time will come.
Friday, September 7, 2012
The definition of the word "serenity" means; The state of being calm, peaceful, and untroubled. Not only do I like the way this word sounds when I vocalize it out loud, I am very attracted to its definition. I don't know of anyone who would not want more of this in their lives. Although it may sound like an impossible task at times, I believe that we are more than capable of attracting this in larger quantities. At the beginning of each day, I seek to have some moments dedicated to acknowledging what is working well in my life. There is always something that I can appreciate having, versus what I don't have. As I was having a conversation with a friend of mine earlier this week, we were both reminded of how much we have to be grateful for, as we discussed an acquaintance that was having some troubling health issues. It only takes a moment like that to bring to mind that although one can have moments that are troubling or at times challenging, they do not compare to what others are going through. When you have a moment to do some reflection, enable yourself to let go of the things that are running through your mind that cause you consternation and take in the peace that you do have during that juncture in your day. Live to bring more balance to your daily living and as you reflect more consistently on the many things that are positive. Spending more time to counterbalance any negative emotions will provide for less time for you to feel uneasy. Attract more serenity as the days come forward and your pursuit of inner peace can be a more tangible goal as a result. The world can be tumultuous at times and very quickly peace can shift into chaos. Arm yourself with the proper tools for when those periods come at you, you are able to navigate them swiftly while your balance remains in tact.
Thursday, September 6, 2012
One of the great mind body healing pioneers in our country is Deepak Chopra. I was watching a conversation he was having on people letting go of bitterness and resentment and the power of forgiveness. I loved his example comparison between how humans behave versus domestic pets when they are mistreated by someone else. If people were mistreated as children they learn how to potentially mistreat others by the behavior that was modeled to them. On the other hand if a dog was mistreated by an owner, they do the opposite and strive to love their owners regardless of the poor behavior they were shown. A dog can wake up everyday feeling their life as anew, while hardly ever showing a sign that they had been poorly treated before in their lives. Some behavior in humans who were mistreated is also compounded by negative emotions as adults including resentment, bitterness, anger and carrying a grudge towards others. Conversely, a mistreated pet as they grow older forgets about any maltreatment and they never feel the need to get even. This was a fascinating conversation on the power of forgiving others and it made me think about this subject even more. Forgiveness is such a deep topic, that I plan to focus on one or two more full articles in the near future devoted to addressing this issue. Today I just wanted to begin planting the notion in those that need it, that forgiveness brings you peace of mind and lots of pressure released from carrying such harsh emotions. Although it can take some time for people to get to the point of forgiving someone else, this could be the point in your life where this option finally feels right. It is also key to remember that forgiveness is unconditional, if you forgive someone, you cannot remind them in the future about the reasons that you forgave them previously. The act of forgiving returns your power to you in demonstrating to someone else that although they may have hurt you, you are still here. Forgiving can alleviate a heavy heart, clear your mind of constant unnecessary thoughts and worry, while lifting the burdens you were carrying with you for many years. If you have an unresolved situation that may require forgiveness, please consider the benefits of doing so, as they far outweigh any other alternative. Give yourself peace of mind, allow yourself to move forward and provide your heart with an opportunity to be full once again.
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
One of the words that I like to reflect on periodically is courage. Because it has deep meaning and one can possess it at variable times along with various quantities, it is something that binds all of us together. We can all identify with an act of bravery, because if you have lived long enough, life has given you enough tests to exercise your personal reserves. There are people around the world that live daily with the courage of their convictions, while others await for a day to come when they feel they may have enough of it that they can take a step out of their comfort zone and seek to manifest a change they wish to see. We would not have great countries or great leaders if people did not utilize their fortitude to create the circumstances that enabled others to be part of that collective dream. Bravery can also mean that for a person who perhaps has been in a hurtful relationship or victimized in any way, that they can finally seize that moment where they decide that they are worth more than the situation they are in. Although the names of courageous people are usually associated with historical references and rightly so, I am usually more touched by the one person that is less well known or in the shadows of our surroundings, who took a brave risk and persevered despite their circumstances. We probably have many more of those quiet brave people around us and in larger quantities than we know, as they are not seeking public attention and are simply choosing to live up to their own defined purpose. It is great to hear stories on the news about the local hero who saved the day or the life of another human being. I live for those moments to hear something that touches my heart. However, let us not forget the many other hero's that may be quietly walking around us in a self made victory walk that took a lot of time and personal effort for them to achieve.
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
When I was young there used to be an instant coffee commercial that had a slogan, "celebrate the moments of your life". I was recalling this earlier and it made me think about how prolific that simple slogan actually was. We rarely take time out in our daily lives to celebrate those moments that mean something to us. If we are looking for moments filled with meaning, we should begin by seeking to identify some of the more simple one's that have much value to all of us. It can begin when you have a moment that you think of something that made you laugh some time ago and when you think about it today, it still brings a smile to your face. Perhaps it is when someone pays you a compliment and catches you by surprise. Some days can be tougher and I even look for the opportunity when a driver lets me on the freeway or allows me to merge without trying to pass me first. On another occasion I remember waiting for a light to change, while the driver next to me was singing along to a song they were listening to on the radio. The driver was completely oblivious to all of us around and you were able to see how happy he was in that moment. Singing in the car and dancing along to a song is close to my heart as I remember doing that when I was younger and somewhat surprised when car passed me and the driver began clapping for me. All of these great moments still live on with me as I intersperse them into my day to remind myself of the many faces that happiness has. I hope that you take the time to re-energize your life by seeking some new moments or by recalling those that made your heart feel good at one time. I believe we can all benefit from celebrating more moments that enrich our days and fill up our lives with renewed energy along with an added smile to make those moments last even more.
Monday, September 3, 2012
It is the opportunity that lies in the word possibility that makes the word more deep and meaningful. When we allow ourselves to think beyond our borders and let our imagination take us to a place where we can envision more of what can transpire in our lives, then we are open to those possibilities becoming a reality. To think about the prospect of what you can achieve or make of yourself, is to begin to transform. If you are being held back by your own beliefs that you cannot achieve or persevere, then you probably won't. You must be able to believe what you say to yourself, in order for success to follow. Granted that sometimes success can take more time than we thought imaginable, the point is that you will get there. Accepting an affirmation from yourself on a daily basis, will assist you in this process. Not everyone has a personal life coach that can help you make decisions along with assisting to plot what your personal recipe for success can be. In life we have to be our own master chefs in this great kitchen of life and although we may not have all of the recipes or ingredients to make a precise recipe, we can strive with practice to achieve a wonderful meal that is satisfying to all. Of great importance is that you should continue to try different things and not lose sight of the prospect that you desire. Practice may not make perfect when it comes to achieving what you want in life. What we should strive for is to accept that which we have accomplished as we continue to pursue what your heart desires. Remember that perfection is usually unattainable and we should be more concerned with what we have accomplished while continuing to seek what other possibilities have in store for us.
Saturday, September 1, 2012
I saw something on television earlier today that alluded to the term validation. The word is defined as substantiating or confirming something and this made me think about how many people may be stuck in trying to receive validation from others. If you are seeking approval from someone else, then you are giving your personal power to someone else in the process. I don't think anyone should have such an influence on anyone, that things end or begin with an individual that is not yourself. People can suffer even more so, if the validating individual is no longer available as they may feel lost and incomplete because they have gotten used to seeking their validation from that person. Ideally, we should have enough of our own self validation that it will allow us to stand up at any given time and feel that sense of independence, along with confidence and self esteem. Unfortunately we start off with poor examples of this as children. There are many who can recall being at school and wanting to belong to a group of peers, so that it brought a sense of validation along with acceptance to us. Not everyone is destined to be the most popular boy or girl in school and if popularity was such a desired attribute in school age children, it can have some lingering effects into adulthood for some. Because we are all individuals and nobody is exactly the same, it is our individuality that sets us apart from each other. I think it is good to be acknowledged by others for some of the skill, knowledge or ability that one has, however, the line should be drawn there and not expecting someone else to define more of who you are. Live in the comfort of your own skin and celebrate the unique person that you are. The world would be a very boring place if everyone was the same. It is the true sparks that occur when people of various differences come together that is worth so much more. Be defined by your character, values and choices and if someone else has a different opinion, good for them and move on.
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